Tag: Counterarguing

Inoculation theory of resistance to influence

Inoculation theory of resistance to influence. Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK, August 31, 2022.

Belief Default Symposium at Hamline University in St. Paul, Minnesota, United States

And in the end—this pseudo-medical treatment that takes the form of logical analysis is intended to result in more robust, more resilient knowledge structures—of a critical rebuttal of…

The general content of postinoculation talk

The results reported here take us one step closer to a clearer understanding of the nature and quality of [postinoculation talk], and how it may function in multiple…

Chapter: Inoculation theory

My current take on the analogy debate is this: The inoculation analogy is both limiting and flexible enough. Josh Compton After Michael Pfau and I offered what was,…

Boosting the potency of resistance: Combining the motivational forces of inoculation and psychological reactance

This theory-driven method of fine-tuning the basic inoculation model should help to sustain and enrich inoculation as an active and dynamic theory of resistance to attitude change. Claude…

Spreading inoculation: Inoculation, resistance to influence, and word-of-mouth communication

Based on unique characteristics of the inoculation messages (threat, involve- ment, and accessibility) and the special nature of the modality of word-of-mouth communicating along social networks, spreading inoculation…

The conundrum of the timing of counterarguing effects in resistance

Counterarguing is very robust across time. Michael Pfau, Josh Compton, Kimberly Parker, Chasu An, Elaine Wittenberg, Et al. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01463370600650845 This study examined the timing of counterarguing effects in…

The traditional explanation for resistance versus attitude accessibility

Counterarguing and attitude accessibility were shown to be distinct tracks en route to resistance but, to an even greater extent, they embody overlapping processes in that threat enhances…

Inoculation theory of resistance to influence at maturity: Recent progress in theory development and application and suggestions for future research

Far from retiring, inoculation continues to be academically inspiring. Josh Compton & Michael Pfau https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/23808985.2005.11679045 Inoculation theory boasts a dynamic history since McGuire first introduced it in the…

Inoculation, mental processing, and time: The short- and long-term influence of associative networks in the process of resistance to counterattitudinal influence

Pfau, M., Compton, J., Parker, K. A., Wittenberg, E. M., An, C., Ferguson, M., Horton, H., & Malyshev, Y. (2003, May). Inoculation, mental processing, and time: The short- and long-term…