Tag: Emotions

Threat and/in inoculation theory

Few constructs have been as touted or as contested as threat in inoculation theory. But it is important to clarify that the contested status of threat is relatively recent in…

Inoculation at play

And yet, there is space for play on both sides of the analogic, too. Josh Compton https://speechandtheatremo.org/journal-archive/ Inoculation is often considered to be serious business – whether in its literal…

Re-thinking anxiety: Using inoculation messages to reduce and reinterpret public speaking fears

Although public speaking is recognized as one of the foremost stress-inducing evaluative contexts, these findings may help inform the treatment of acute anxiety across work, education, sport, music,…

Boosting the potency of resistance: Combining the motivational forces of inoculation and psychological reactance

This theory-driven method of fine-tuning the basic inoculation model should help to sustain and enrich inoculation as an active and dynamic theory of resistance to attitude change. Claude…

Inoculating against pro-plagiarism justifications

Our results offer support for two-sided plagiarism messages, whereby students are not only informed why they should not plagiarize but also guided through refutations of arguments for why they should. Josh…

Book review: Campaigning for Hearts and Minds

Conventional wisdom is both confirmed and disputed in this book about emotional appeals in political advertising.  Josh Compton https://academic.oup.com/joc/article/56/3/635/4102685 Conventional wisdom is both confirmed and disputed in this…

Inoculation theory of resistance to influence at maturity: Recent progress in theory development and application and suggestions for future research

Far from retiring, inoculation continues to be academically inspiring. Josh Compton & Michael Pfau https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/23808985.2005.11679045 Inoculation theory boasts a dynamic history since McGuire first introduced it in the…