Tag: Health communicationPage 4 of 5

Osler’s Man’s Redemption of Man: Preemptive protection, attitudinal inoculation, and smallpox inoculation

I offer this case that Osler’s redemption message was not one of education, but instead, of inoculation. Josh Compton https://www.unco.edu/sassi/SASSIPROCEEDINGSII.pdf One such specific purpose of Man’s Redemption of…

Food safety and corporate public relations

This analysis points to the importance of timely, detailed responses to health- and food-related scandals, which can be emotionally evocative situations. Josh Compton https://www.prismjournal.org/uploads/1/2/5/6/125661607/v14-no1-a1.pdf In December 2012, the…

Re-thinking anxiety: Using inoculation messages to reduce and reinterpret public speaking fears

Although public speaking is recognized as one of the foremost stress-inducing evaluative contexts, these findings may help inform the treatment of acute anxiety across work, education, sport, music,…

Re-thinking anxiety: Using inoculation messages to reduce and reinterpret public speaking fears

It is important that researchers devise methods that not only help with anxiety reduction, but also assist participants in reinterpreting their remaining nerves more positively. Ben Jackson, Josh…

Persuading others to avoid persuasion: Inoculation theory and resistant health attitudes

We hope to contribute to ongoing and future work with health and inoculation theory by proposing new applied and theoretical areas for this important scholarship—work that pushes forward…

Open letters from the National Football League, concussion prevention, and image repair rhetoric

Rhetors can preempt attacks against their image using principles of inoculation. Josh Compton & Jordan Compton https://journals.humankinetics.com/view/journals/ijsc/8/3/article-p266.xml Open letters offer a unique focus for rhetorical analysis in sport…

“Better and safer”: Image repair strategies in open letters to fans of the National Football League about concussion prevention

We argue that these letters from Commissioner Goodell served more than an informational purpose; the open letters were also functioning as image repair efforts to restore fan confidence…

Arby’s image repair tactics as a public relations strategy

Upon closer inspection, each of the “repeated” strategies added a nuanced elevation. Josh Compton https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0363811113002002?via%3Dihub Arby’s, a fast food restaurant, made a marketing appeal based on geography in…

Chapter: Inoculation theory

My current take on the analogy debate is this: The inoculation analogy is both limiting and flexible enough. Josh Compton After Michael Pfau and I offered what was,…

Inoculating for small pox inoculation objections in Reverend Cooper’s Letter to a Friend in the Country

Cooper’s unique rhetorical strategy remains useful for considering contemporary debates over medical inoculation. Josh Compton & Brian Kaylor http://www.relcomm.org/journal-of-communication-and-religion.html The early 18th century rhetoric of Boston minister William…