Tag: Humor

Inoculation theory, postcards, and persuasion: Bamforth and Company’s Soldier #39 comic, “How you feel at the first inoculation”

Complex messages—including and perhaps especially those that have the trappings of a simple message, like a simple postcard—are good candidates for rhetorical scrutiny, yielding insight into where we…

Inoculation theory, image repair, image prepare, and character assassination

What can distinguish inoculation theory as it relates to character assassination is, foremost, its timing. Inoculation is a preemptive strategy, a way to prepare for an attack before…

Live from DC: Saturday Night Live political parody references in presidential rhetoric

This survey of presidential rhetoric indicates a unique merging of Washington DC and New York City, as SNL appears in presidential rhetoric to deflect questions, promote sociability, and, perhaps, to…