Tag: Image repairPage 2 of 4

The athlete’s image, visual representation, and image repair/image prepare

What she did next, though, stretches the boundaries of image repair, engaging in something more in line with image prepare—an approach in line with inoculation theory—to anticipate and prepare…

Image repair, image prepare, competing civic responsibilities, and high school football

We also contend that there was a missed opportunity for image prepare.  Josh Compton & Jordan Compton https://speechandtheatremo.org/journal-archive/ The Camden Hills high school football season was cancelled mid-season…

Food safety and corporate public relations

This analysis points to the importance of timely, detailed responses to health- and food-related scandals, which can be emotionally evocative situations. Josh Compton https://www.prismjournal.org/uploads/1/2/5/6/125661607/v14-no1-a1.pdf In December 2012, the…

Image repair, image prepare, and high school football: The Camden Hills case

This case study is situated in a growing interest in a sense of community in sport – a focus of research, theorizing, and conceptual model building that moves beyond specific…

Inoculation theory, image repair, image prepare, and character assassination

What can distinguish inoculation theory as it relates to character assassination is, foremost, its timing. Inoculation is a preemptive strategy, a way to prepare for an attack before…

Image prepare: Image repair, inoculation theory, and anticipated attacks on credibility

What separates image repair (a rhetorical attempt to reclaim an audience’s positive perception of a rhetor after a perceived infraction by that rhetor) from inoculation theory (a method…

Sorry sorries: Image repair after regretted apologies

Successfully apologizing for an apology would seem to demand a deft rhetorical touch. The implied message would be: I did not mean my earlier apology, but I do…

The athlete’s image, visual representation, and image repair: Tom Brady, Jane Rosenberg, and the courtroom sketches

What she did next, though, stretches the boundaries of image repair, engaging in something more in line with image prepare —an approach in line with inoculation theory—to anticipate and prepare…

Political humor on the radio, image repair, and Gracie Allen’s 1940 presidential campaign

One important contribution of this analysis is that it reminds us that popular culture, humor, and politics have been interacting long before more recent iterations such as The Daily…

Open letters from the National Football League, concussion prevention, and image repair rhetoric

Rhetors can preempt attacks against their image using principles of inoculation. Josh Compton & Jordan Compton https://journals.humankinetics.com/view/journals/ijsc/8/3/article-p266.xml Open letters offer a unique focus for rhetorical analysis in sport…