Tag: Open letter

Playoff losses, mayoral politics, image repair, and inoculation: Open letter sport communication

Our analysis adds to a growing body of sport image repair scholarship and adds to the theorizing of inoculation strategies in the face of disappointing seasons or losses.


Open letters from the National Football League, concussion prevention, and image repair rhetoric

Rhetors can preempt attacks against their image using principles of inoculation. Josh Compton & Jordan Compton https://journals.humankinetics.com/view/journals/ijsc/8/3/article-p266.xml Open letters offer a unique focus for rhetorical analysis in sport…

College sports, losing seasons, and image repair through open letters to fans

Coaches and administrators do not need to wait for a crisis before sending open letters to fans. Josh Compton & Jordan Compton https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/2167479513503542 College sports coaches and administrators…

College sports, losing seasons, and image repair through letters to fans

Open letters to fans, prior to anticipated difficult seasons, could be an optimum avenue for exploring [inoculation].  Josh Compton & Jordan Compton College sports coaches and administrators can…