Tag: Political communicationPage 3 of 4

Serious as a heart attack: Health-related content of late night comedy television

The goals of late-night comedy are secondary to the need to examine its content and potential impacts. Josh Compton https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1207/s15327027hc1902_6 Although the medical community hoped that Vice President…

Image restoration strategies in presidential interregnum rhetoric

The last few weeks of an outgoing president’s term present unique rhetorical opportunities. So begins the verbal juggle of legacy and legislation, of image bolstering and, as this…

When voters laugh: Reviewing research of political humor effects

As we continue venturing into the often-complicated effects of political humor, I anticipate that we’ll have an increasingly clearer understanding of how viewers respond to political humor. Josh…

Spreading inoculation: Inoculation, resistance to influence, and word-of-mouth communication

Based on unique characteristics of the inoculation messages (threat, involve- ment, and accessibility) and the special nature of the modality of word-of-mouth communicating along social networks, spreading inoculation…

Chapter: Political punditry in punchlines

Continuing research into this unique form of late night political punditry will clarify what role, if any, comics play in influencing perceptions of presidential debates. Josh Compton https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/edit/10.4324/9780203942291/laughing-matters-jody-baumgartner-jonathan-morris?refId=3d8372c2-dd50-4b95-b995-62e6cb611a61…

Chapter: More than laughing?

When we find ways humor hurts the political process, we can find ways to fix it. When we find ways that it is helping, we can all laugh…

Book review: Campaigning for Hearts and Minds

Conventional wisdom is both confirmed and disputed in this book about emotional appeals in political advertising.  Josh Compton https://academic.oup.com/joc/article/56/3/635/4102685 Conventional wisdom is both confirmed and disputed in this…

Inoculation theory of resistance to influence at maturity: Recent progress in theory development and application and suggestions for future research

Far from retiring, inoculation continues to be academically inspiring. Josh Compton & Michael Pfau https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/23808985.2005.11679045 Inoculation theory boasts a dynamic history since McGuire first introduced it in the…

Effects of late night political comedy on perceptions of candidates during the primaries

Compton, J., & Pfau, M. (2005, May). Effects of late night political comedy on perceptions of candidates during the primaries [paper presentation]. International Communication Association, New York City, NY, United…

Political punditry in punchlines: Late night comics’ treatments of presidential debates

This study offered a closer look at the themes of these jokes, revealing numerous specific barbs against candidate image and issues as well as mockery of the debates…