Tag: Political humorPage 2 of 3

Live from D.C.: Saturday Night Live political parody references in presidential rhetoric

The growing body of political humor scholarship reveals how late night comedy characterizes politics and politicians. What has not yet been explored, however, is how United States’ politicians characterize…

Mentions of late night television talk shows in presidential rhetoric

So long as voters keep watching late night talk shows—and presidents keep watching late night talk shows—we will continue to hear mentions of late night comedy political humor…

Serious as a heart attack: Health-related content of late night comedy television

The goals of late-night comedy are secondary to the need to examine its content and potential impacts. Josh Compton https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1207/s15327027hc1902_6 Although the medical community hoped that Vice President…

When voters laugh: Reviewing research of political humor effects

As we continue venturing into the often-complicated effects of political humor, I anticipate that we’ll have an increasingly clearer understanding of how viewers respond to political humor. Josh…

Chapter: Papal punchlines

Regardless of the sensitive nature of issues, late night comics will likely be succesful in making light of current events. Brian Kaylor & Josh Compton https://rowman.com/ISBN/9780739121344/The-Rhetoric-of-Pope-John-Paul-II The death…

Chapter: Political punditry in punchlines

Continuing research into this unique form of late night political punditry will clarify what role, if any, comics play in influencing perceptions of presidential debates. Josh Compton https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/edit/10.4324/9780203942291/laughing-matters-jody-baumgartner-jonathan-morris?refId=3d8372c2-dd50-4b95-b995-62e6cb611a61…

Chapter: More than laughing?

When we find ways humor hurts the political process, we can find ways to fix it. When we find ways that it is helping, we can all laugh…

Late night comic characterization of the vice president’s aneurysm surgery

This textual analysis project builds on late night comedy political research and expands the scope to the domain of health by examining late night comic characterization of Vice…

Effects of late night political comedy on perceptions of candidates during the primaries

Compton, J., & Pfau, M. (2005, May). Effects of late night political comedy on perceptions of candidates during the primaries [paper presentation]. International Communication Association, New York City, NY, United…

Political punditry in punchlines: Late night comics’ treatments of presidential debates

This study offered a closer look at the themes of these jokes, revealing numerous specific barbs against candidate image and issues as well as mockery of the debates…