Tag: Post-inoculation talkPage 1 of 2

Inoculation theory of resistance to influence

Inoculation theory of resistance to influence. Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK, August 31, 2022.

How do inoculation messages work?

By advancing our understanding of the ways through which inoculation messages prepare individuals for attitudinal attacks, these findings provide important future research directions and may inform effective inoculation…

Spreading inoculation, revisited

Our understanding of [postinoculation talk] has, in many ways, just begun, but its historical trajectory gives me great confidence in what is to come.  Josh Compton Spreading Inoculation,…

Belief Default Symposium at Hamline University in St. Paul, Minnesota, United States

And in the end—this pseudo-medical treatment that takes the form of logical analysis is intended to result in more robust, more resilient knowledge structures—of a critical rebuttal of…

Vaccinating voters: New directions for political campaign inoculation scholarship

We think new development in this line of research is long overdue. Josh Compton & Bobi Ivanov https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/23808985.2013.11679152 Inoculation theory has seen dramatic theoretical development since it was…

Inoculation, racism, and dialogue

…but how much more impressive would have been deliberate and decisive pro-action, thoughtful and just pre-emption.  Josh Compton In this personal essay, written by invitation for a Black…

The general content of postinoculation talk

The results reported here take us one step closer to a clearer understanding of the nature and quality of [postinoculation talk], and how it may function in multiple…

The general content of post-inoculation talk: Recalled issue-specific conversations following inoculation treatments

The results reported here, however, take us one step closer to a clearer understanding of the nature and quality of PIT, and how it may function in multiple…

Effects of post-inoculation talk on resistance to influence

This study points to a potentially fundamental expansion of inoculation research. Bobi Ivanov, Claude Miller, Josh Compton, Joshua Averbeck, Kylie Harrison, Et Al. https://academic.oup.com/joc/article-abstract/62/4/701/4085830?redirectedFrom=fulltext Contemporary inoculation scholarship has…

Effects of post-inoculation talk on resistance to influence

Simply put, those who have been inoculated should be both better prepared to talk, and more motivated to do so. Bobi Ivanov, Claude Miller, Josh Compton, Joshua Averbeck,…