Tag: Science communicationPage 1 of 2

Inocu-relationships: Inoculation theory, resistance to influence, and interpersonal communication

Inoculation theory explains how a position can be made more resistant to change in ways similar to how a body can be made more resistant to viruses: through…

Understanding individual differences in the dimensions of ‘vestedness’ within Midwestern populations toward the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) during early-stage pandemic onset

Mason, A. M., Compton, J., & Spencer, E. A. (2023). Understanding individual differences in the dimensions of ‘vestedness’ within Midwestern populations toward the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) during early-stage…

Inoculation theory as rhetorical strategy in The Evidence at Large (1805)

Rhetorical analysis is a productive way to (1) establish that inoculation theory exists in practice; (2) identify specific components of inoculation theory at work in such rhetoric; and…

Identifying accessibility improvement opportunities for global environmental communication websites

By simply addressing the top six error types (i.e., low contrast, linked images missing ALT texts and form labels, empty buttons and empty links), online environmental information providers…

Inoculation theory of resistance to influence

Inoculation theory of resistance to influence. Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK, August 31, 2022.

Inoculation theory and climate communication

Inoculation is a powerful approach to communicating climate–preempting rather than reacting to misinformation. JOSH COMPTON Inoculation theory and climate communication. Dartmouth Symposium on Climate, Energy and Society. Irving…

Top cited article distinction

Inoculation theory in the post-truth era

Amidst a worldwide “infodemic,” we contend that the study and application of inoculation theory has never been more relevant and exciting for social psychologists and communication scholars than…

Chapter: Narrative and the inoculation theory of resistance to influence

Narrative has been part of inoculation theory’s story for quite some time now, including the use of stories in inoculation treatment messages and narratives used as attack messages….

Inoculating against fake news about COVID-19

We look forward to future research on both prophylactic and therapeutic applications of psychological inoculation in the context of COVID-19. Sander van der Linden, Jon Roozenbeek, & Josh…