Tag: ThreatPage 1 of 2

Inoculation theory of resistance to influence

Inoculation theory of resistance to influence. Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK, August 31, 2022.

Threat and/in inoculation theory

Few constructs have been as touted or as contested as threat in inoculation theory. But it is important to clarify that the contested status of threat is relatively recent in…

Threat and/in inoculation theory

Few constructs have been as touted or as contested as threat in inoculation theory. Josh Compton For years, scholars of the inoculation theory of resistance to influence have…

Belief Default Symposium at Hamline University in St. Paul, Minnesota, United States

And in the end—this pseudo-medical treatment that takes the form of logical analysis is intended to result in more robust, more resilient knowledge structures—of a critical rebuttal of…

Prophylactic versus therapeutic inoculation treatments for resistance to influence

How therapeutic inoculations work needs more attention. Based on the logic of prophylactic inoculations—in medicine and in persuasion—it is likely that therapeutic inoculations take a different route(s) than…

Reconsidering the role(s) of affect in inoculation theory-conferred resistance to influence

Affect is part of the process of inoculation-conferred resistance to influence—but exactly what part, and when, and under what conditions, and with whom, and against what, and, in…

Chapter: Inoculation theory

My current take on the analogy debate is this: The inoculation analogy is both limiting and flexible enough. Josh Compton After Michael Pfau and I offered what was,…

Boosting the potency of resistance: Combining the motivational forces of inoculation and psychological reactance

This theory-driven method of fine-tuning the basic inoculation model should help to sustain and enrich inoculation as an active and dynamic theory of resistance to attitude change. Claude…

Untangling threat during inoculation theory–conferred resistance

A byproduct of our study design is the idea that asking people to con- sider awareness of potential vulnerability of their positions may boost threat and resistance, suggesting…

Boosting the potency of resistance: Combining the motivational forces of inoculation and psychological reactance

This theory-driven method of fine-tuning the basic inoculation model should help to sustain and enrich inoculation as an active and dynamic theory of resistance to attitude change. Bobi…