Tag: Vaccination

The Devil and Vaccination and inoculation theory: Health communication, parody, and anti-vaccination rhetorical strategy

Here, an argument was advanced that taking a long historical view—in this case, considering satirical health messaging of the late 19th century—offered potential insight into modern health messaging,…

Depictions of medical inoculation on postcards

The artifacts raise important questions about vaccination rhetoric, the effects of comical depictions of health issues, and the unique opportunities afforded by postal rhetoric. Josh Compton At first…

Evidence of inoculation theory in The Evidence at Large (1805): Finding an inoculation rhetorical strategy in the Preface to House of Commons’ vaccine inoculation testimony and debate

The primary argumentation strategy, this analysis offers, is inoculation, or the pairing of counterattitudinal content with refutations, thereby weakening the counterattitudinal content, that parallels the medical practice of…

“Inoculate yourself with the word of God” Persuasion inoculation, medical inoculation, and religious rhetoric

The conflation of inoculation terminology with a non-inoculation process likely only adds to these confusing, potentially dangerous, public statements on health from a religious leader. Josh Compton https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15348423.2019.1696122…

Inoculation theory and science communication

Extant work is encouraging, and timely, while consequential scientific issues are ripe for attention from an inoculation perspective. Josh Compton, Sander van der linden, john cook, & melisa…

Osler’s Man’s Redemption of Man: Preemptive protection, attitudinal inoculation, and smallpox inoculation

I offer this case that Osler’s redemption message was not one of education, but instead, of inoculation. Josh Compton One such specific purpose of Man’s Redemption of Man,…

Osler’s Man’s Redemption of Man: Preemptive protection, attitudinal inoculation, and smallpox inoculation

I offer this case that Osler’s redemption message was not one of education, but instead, of inoculation. Josh Compton https://www.unco.edu/sassi/SASSIPROCEEDINGSII.pdf One such specific purpose of Man’s Redemption of…

Inoculating for small pox inoculation objections in Reverend Cooper’s Letter to a Friend in the Country

Cooper’s unique rhetorical strategy remains useful for considering contemporary debates over medical inoculation. Josh Compton & Brian Kaylor http://www.relcomm.org/journal-of-communication-and-religion.html The early 18th century rhetoric of Boston minister William…

Inoculating against small pox inoculation objections in Reverend Cooper’s Letter to a Friend in the Country

We find particular aptness when considering inoculation as a persuasive strategy in the context of smallpox inoculation rhetoric: Cooper attempts to inoculate (attitudinal) against anti-inoculation (biological) rhetoric. Josh…