Principle Investigator, F. Jon Kull


Ph.D. in Biochemistry, University of California San Francisco

Chemistry A.B. Magna cum Laude Phi Beta Kappa Dartmouth College

Honors and Awards:

2012 – The Rodgers Professor at Dartmouth College, Endowed Chair

2012 – Dartmouth Center for the Advancement of Learning Faculty Fellow 2011 – Gridley Faculty Fellow

2010 – Dean of the Faculty Award for Outstanding Mentoring and Advising 2007 – Linda B. and Kendrick R. Wilson III Fellow

2006 – Named ‘Education Fellow in the Life Sciences’ by the National Academies

2003 – March of Dimes Basil O’Connor Starter Scholar Research Award

Kull CV

Current Lab Members, 2021

Charles R. Midgett, Research Assistant Professor

Jessica D. Tolbert, G2 Student

Jessica was born in Chattanooga, TN and obtained a B.S. in Biochemistry from Claflin University an HBCU in South Carolina. She enjoys the outdoors, meeting new people, and trying new foods.

Minje Kim, G1 Student

Alumni Lab Members

Graduate Students

Justin Cruite, MCB Graduate Student

Jessica Day, MCB Graduate Student

Britney Privett,  Chemistry Graduate Student

Anne Woodbrey, Chemistry Graduate Student

Undergraduate Students

Gyan Moorthy ’20