Our team has grown and evolved significantly in the thirty-two years we’ve been supporting innovative teaching and learning at Dartmouth. Here are some of the highlights:


Malcolm Brown becomes Director of Academic Computing

He went on to join EDUCAUSE in 2009. Read more about his work as Director of Learning Initiatives there.


The Dartmouth Center for the Advancement of Learning (DCAL) is created as a faculty resource.

Academic Computing is its closest collaborator since its inception, and plays a vital role in standing up its faculty programming. Read more about the history of DCAL here.


Blackboard introduced as a College-wide Learning Management System


Masters of Healthcare Delivery Science becomes Dartmouth’s first blended degree program.

Learn more on the MHCDS website.


The Learning Technologist role is reimagined as a new Instructional Designer role

in order to better incorporate faculty development, educational technology, and learner experience design into the work of the team.


Gateway Course Redesign Initiative

The Gateway Course Redesign Initiative offers entry-level courses the opportunity to incorporate active learning strategies. Learn more about the Gateway Initiative here.


Dartmouth hosts Canvas Roundtables

as a way to learn and benefit from the experience of peer institutions as part of the switch to the Canvas LMS (Learning Management System).


Dartmouth Partners With edX to Enhance Teaching and Learning

Dartmouth’s first open online courses are built and offered.


Dartmouth courses begin using Canvas as a College-wide Learning Management System


Learning Fellows program launches at Dartmouth with Biology 13

This work built off earlier course development via the Gateway Course Redesign Initiative.


Carson 61 becomes the first active learning classroom at Dartmouth

It incorporates moveable furniture, student presentation stations, and 360 degree whiteboards.


Dartmouth’s Course Photo Roster goes live in Canvas


The Experiential Learning Initiative launches

It offers faculty and non-faculty educators at Dartmouth the chance to enhance student learning through new experiences. Read more about the Experiential Learning Initiative here.


Dartmouth adopts WordPress to offer students and faculty a tool for designing portfolios of all types

Interested in using WordPress in a course? Explore our teaching & learning instance, hosted via Journeys.


Active Learning Institute becomes Course Design Institute

Learn more about the Course Design Institute here.


Dartmouth adopts Hypothesis to allow students to share annotations on documents and websites


The Canvy Awards

The Learning Design and Technology team created the “Canvy” awards as a way to recognize faculty for their efforts in creating great sites for their students. 


Team Formation Tool

The Team Formation Tool, a Canvas app developed at Dartmouth, is a survey-based tool for the creation of optimized student groups. Learn more about it––including how to use it in your course––here.


The pivot to remote learning brings new tools and teaching techniques to Dartmouth


Panopto replaces a number of media storage and streaming options and incorporates Zoom recordings for remote courses.


MHCDS curriculum support team, Learning and Technology Team, and ITC EdTech Team merge to become Learning Design and Innovation


Dartmouth launches its first online open enrollment certificate in Digital Transformation on the Coursera platform

Learn more about Digital Transformation here.


The Accessible Dartmouth Initiative launches

The Accessible Dartmouth Initiative, a collaboration between The Dartmouth Center for the Advancement of Learning, Student Accessibility Services, and Learning Design and Innovation (ITC) is a three-year pilot program designed to strengthen Dartmouth’s educational model to better meet the needs of neurodiverse learners and help all students succeed in the classroom. Learn more here.


AV Lab

The AV Lab, a collaboration between LDI and Jones Media Center, opened in 2023 under the guidance of LDI team-member Oleg Timoshenko. Learn more about the AV Lab here.


Dartmouth to launch an online masters degree in Computer Engineering and a blended masters degree in Health Administration