Knowledge base articles and guides

Learning Design and Innovation has prepared a collection of educational technology guides to get your Fall term off to a great start. The following resources are some of the most timely for preparing your courses for the Fall term:

Logo for Canvas by Instructure

Canvas is the Learning Management System used at Dartmouth. A hub for course information, assignments, announcements, discussions and the virtual classroom for remote teaching and learning. We have 2 main instances of Canvas; a Beta site and a Test Site.

Canvas Setup Guide
This reference gives you guidance in setting up the basic structure for your Canvas course.

Copying Courses in Canvas
This guide walks you through the steps required to copy materials from a previously taught course into your new course shell.

Adding People to Canvas after the Course Ends
This how-to guide shows the steps to add people to a course after the term has ended (when the +people button is greyed out)

Add people to Canvas
Anyone with the role of teacher or TA in a course can add people to their courses in Canvas. We strongly suggest that you do not add students manually who will need to receive a grade in your course. Matriculated students feed directly from Banner.

Requesting a non-Banner Canvas site
This article describes how to request a non-Banner Canvas site for purposes such as “Sandbox” sites for faculty to plan their course designs or for organizations that would like to use Canvas for internal training.

Request a Canvas Guest account
Dartmouth requires that all users of the primary instance of Canvas have a Dartmouth netid. In cases where a faculty member would like to host a course auditor or give Canvas access to a guest, use the form linked above.

panopto logo

Panopto serves as the media server for a variety of needs — personal lecture capture, course media through Jones Media, Zoom recording archives and classroom lecture capture. Every member of the Dartmouth community has access to Panopto and the service may be accessed via a course site or directly via A collection of Knowledge Base articles with detailed information about Panopto gives an overview of what this tool can provide.

  • Ed Discussion – Ed Discussion is a discussion tool that houses online discussions for learners and instructors to engage with a variety of topics within the confines of the shared Canvas course, and engagement can happen both asynchronously and synchronously. This guide provides an overview for faculty considering using this tool in their courses.
  • Gradescope – Gradescope is an assessment tool that facilitates grading of assignments and is particularly helpful in courses where there are multiple graders. The tool integrates with Canvas so that the grades for assignments graded using Gradescope can be pushed back to Canvas.
  • Social Annotation – Hypothesis brings discussion directly to course content by enabling students and teachers to add comments and start conversations in the margins of instructional texts and other resources. Collaborative annotation creates an opportunity for students to engage more deeply in course readings and gives teachers a view of how students are reading. The tool is available to all courses in Canvas and is normally used and accessed through the Assignments tool in Canvas.