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Making Improvements


Establishing a long-term strategic plan to comprehensively address all of Dartmouth’s existing classrooms was considered earlier in this exercise. However, experience gained in the last 4 renovation projects has revealed a need for an initial short-term approach to enable long-term planning.

The faculty survey provided information that requires evaluation after a few renovation cycles. The importance of establishing standards has been revealed. The needs of students may shape future teaching approaches.

To begin, we propose a recurring 3-year planning structure that pilots the engagement and governance process and builds experience in order to develop a working system for continual improvement.

With the completion of Dartmouth Row renovations [Reed, Thornton, and Dartmouth Halls] and the success of 3 cycles of 3 years, various levels of work in all 76 registrar managed classrooms will have been completed.


Managing time, budgets, and swing space will require creative thinking.

Of these 3 constraints, defining budgets is the most straightforward piece of the puzzle. The lack of swing space and the short summer construction cycle present challenges for accelerating classroom improvements. At the rate of 3 classroom renovations per year, upgrading all registrar-controlled classrooms would take 25 years.

However, with sufficient planning and adequate budget, it would be possible to address varying levels of improvements in 7-8 rooms a year, thus establishing a 10-year renewal cycle. This approach would allow for:

  • 3 full renovations during summer term
  • 2 light renovations during fall interim
  • 2-3 furniture and board replacements during winter and spring interims

To achieve this goal using currentrenovation costs, an annual budget request between $1M-$2M, depending on renovation candidates, will be submitted during the each 3 year cycle.

It will take political will, clear ownership, and responsibility to establish the institutional commitment needed to improve Dartmouth’s learning spaces.

See appendix 6 for construction cost calculations and potential funding models.


A governance structure and design standards are needed to sustain a renovation plan.

During this first cycle, both renovation and planning projects will run on parallel tracks.

Rooms in need of renovation based on poor condition, highest potential use, and faculty priorities will rise to the top of the list in the renovation queue. Additionally, prioritizing renovations of rooms that improve potential swing space by providing air cooling will improve future flexibility for taking rooms offline during the summer construction cycle.

During year 1 [FY20], the work of establishing classroom standards through a collaborative process with our divisional peers will commence.

Design standards will be grounded in programmatic needs and incorporate tenets of universal design, focused on a user-centric outcome. Finishes, furniture, and equipment attributes [AV, lights, air quality, acoustics] will be specified and map to new room typologies - presentation, flexible, group learning [previously defined as auditorium, lecture, seminar styles]. Budgets can be fine-tuned after this process is complete.

Note:A budget request was approved for FY20 to renovate 3 classrooms and perform an ADA assessment of our academic buildings.

At the end of year 2, the renovation plan will undergo evaluation. Adjustments will be made as needed for resubmittal during year 3. This structure will allow the renovation process to be more nimble at a time when teaching and learning needs are evolving.

During year 3, with the accumulated knowledge and experience of an established working group as well as proven standards and processes, a strategic plan [for the remaining registrar and departmentally controlled classrooms] can be properly informed. Alternatively, a second 3 year cycle could be adopted.

The 3-year process will repeat three times and end with a 1 year assessment and planning year to complete a 10 year goal of refreshing all registrar managed spaces.

See appendix 3 for proposed governance process.

See appendix 7 for renovation program, year 0-3.