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All rooms should have a default configuration determined by the agreed upon programmatic needs of the space.

All other layouts are secondary and those who wish to rearrange the furniture must return it to the default layout at the end of their session.

For classroom designers:

  • Provide a diagram of the room with the default layout
    • [non auditorium] lecture style layouts should have a minimum of 20sqft per student
    • active learning layouts should have a minimum of 25sqft per student with adequate aisles for faculty circulation
  • Provide a diagram of proposed secondary layout[s] if appropriate
  • Provide a storage plan for excess furniture needed for accommodations or possible term based reconfiguration of the room layout
    • this can be shown as nesting furniture located within the room or located in nearby storage


Finishes palettes for furniture should be determined by building/room aesthetics. Finishes standards should be developed by the consulting design team with input from Planning, Design & Construction.

Classroom chairs should be caster based and can take two forms depending on the typical teaching style in the room. *

  • Presentation, lecture - tablet arm
  • Group learning, seminar - tables & chairs

When in doubt, select the tablet arm option to optimize flexibility


  • caster-based for carpet
  • cushioned backs and seats [*upholstered seats/backs should be easily replaceable]
    • example chairs: KI Grazie, Steelcase Shortcut
  • storage tray beneath if there is sufficient room [KI version has a larger footprint chairs; Steelcase is a circular smaller footprint]
  • large tablet size
  • 10% should be left-handed tablets
  • Question: is small table needed for wheelchair

* for fabric requirements; use min requirements and recommendations


  • caster-based for carpet
  • chairs: cushioned backs and seats [upholstered seats/backs should be easily replaceable]
    • example chairs: KI Grazie, Steelcase Shortcut
  • tables: appropriate sizes are determined by room layout
    • minimum width for two students is 54"
    • depth between 18-24" [layout and seat count will determine depth]
    • height 29”; one adjustable height table available per classroom floor
    • example table: KI Pirouette [mobile and nesting]


  • two section lectern
    • stationary section: minimum 1 rack for AV equipment tethered to wall Jbox inputs or floor box connections
    • height adjustable section: allows for seated, standing, or wheelchair instructor [must be ADA compliant]
    • example:
      • Spectrum Freedom eLift ADA compliant lectern


  • provide one tall stool for the instructor at the lectern [on carpeted floors only height adjustable stool with adjustment range between 24-30” with foot ring can be specified]
    • finishes to match room furniture
    • example: KI Grazie 4 leg armless stool



  • when tablet arm chairs are selected, ensure 10% are suitable for left handed users
  • when furniture is mobile provide 2 static chairs of the same type in the room
  • provide 1 adjustable height table in near storage for every three classrooms in the building
    • example: KI Workup table, rolling base option


Storage space for classroom items should be located on the same floor in the building when possible, particularly in buildings without elevators