New roles for Fellows: introducing the Media Fellows and Social Impact Learning Fellows

noun_619828_ccThe Learning Fellows program has been growing exponentially at Dartmouth. This winter, we’re looking to place nearly 30 Fellows, up from just seven Fellows this summer. We are grateful for the institutional and faculty support we have received for this program, and we are excited to announce two new opportunities for Dartmouth undergraduates.

Starting Winter 2017, we will be able to provide employment for Media Fellows and Social Impact Learning Fellows. Typically, our Learning Fellows focus on one course at a time. The Media Fellows and Social Impact Learning Fellows are a little different. While they are still responsible for improving student engagement in the classroom, they help with specific needs in multiple courses at once.

Our Media Fellows are up-and-coming experts in media production and new media, and they work closely with Colleen Goodhue and the Media Production Group of Dartmouth’s Educational Technologies. From instructional videos to helping students tape their small group projects, these Fellows are embedded in courses to help integrate traditional classroom teaching methods with new, multimedia-based strategies.

Our Social Impact Learning Fellows help with the more than a dozen Dartmouth courses that use service learning components or have Social Impact Practica (SIPs). They work closely with Ashley Doolittle (Dartmouth Center for Service) and Ashley Kehoe (Director of Experiential Learning) to ensure that faculty, students, and community organizations get the support they need for effective collaboration.

We are looking forward to welcoming the Media Fellows and Social Impact Learning Fellows to our community this winter, and wish all of our Learning Fellows and their families a very happy holiday.


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