Selected Papers:
Risk information, diplomatic discourse
‘Communicative and Discursive Perspectives on the Medication Experience.’ Pharmacy 9(1):42, February 17, 2021.
(Co-author: Richard S. Klasco). ‘Language for Actionable Recommendations in Clinical Guidelines: Avoiding Hedging and Equivocation.’ Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), 317 (6), February 14, 2017.
(Co-authors: Annamaria Lusardi, Anya Samek, Arie Kapteyn, Angela Hung, Aileen Heinberg) ‘Visual Tools and Narratives: New Ways to Improve Financial Literacy.’ Journal of Pension Economics and Finance. 16(3), 297-323, 2017.
‘Prescription drug brand Web sites: Guidance where none exists.’ Innovations in Pharmacy 1(12), 2010.
‘Apologizing to China: Elastic apologies and the meta-discourse of American diplomats.’ Intercultural Pragmatics. 7 (1), pp 47–74, 2010.
(Co-author: Gregory Abel) ‘Chemotherapy as language: sound symbolism in cancer medication names.’ Social Science & Medicine 66, pp. 1863-1869, 2008.
‘TV commercials for prescription drugs: A discourse analytic perspective’, Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 1(2), pp. 158-184, 2005 (thematic issue on direct-to-consumer advertising).
(Co-author: Jon Schommer) ‘Television Advertisement Format and the Provision of Risk Information about Prescriptive Drug Products’, Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 1 (2), pp. 185-210, 2005 (thematic issue on direct-to-consumer advertising).
‘Occupational Safety Communication for Hazardous Goods: The Development of a Policy in Israel ‘, International Journal Of Occupational Safety And Ergonomics 8 (1), 99. 3-22, 2002.
‘Language, layout and links.’ Pharmaceutical `Executive, 21(3) March 2001.
‘Side effect warnings in British medical package inserts: A discourse analytical approach’, International Journal of Cognitive Ergonomics, 2(1-2), 1998, 61-74, 1998.
‘Scientific-technological discourse: The State of the Art’, in J Rosenhouse, Y. Gitai & D. Porush (eds.), Future and Communication: The Role of Scientific and Technical Communication and Translation in Technology Development and Transfer, Bethesda, Md: International Scholars Publications, pp. 92-100, 1997.
‘Apologizing to the nation’, American Communication Journal, 2(2), 1999.
‘Product safety information and language policy in an advanced Third World economy: The case of Israel’, Journal of Consumer Policy, 19(4), 411-438, 1996.