Conducting an Embedded Pragmatic Trial: Operationalizing mFOCUS at DH


February 24, 2025  | 2:00 – 3:00 PM | Hybrid Event

Tim E. Burdick, MD, MBA, MSc, is a family physician and seasoned healthcare leader with more two decades of experience in clinical medicine, informatics, and leadership. He currentlyserves as the Associate Chief Research Officer for Informatics at Dartmouth Health, where he leads initiatives to enhance research through innovative health information technology solutions. Dr. Burdick earned his MD from the Dartmouth School of Medicine and completed his residency in Family Medicine at Central Maine Medical Center. He is an Associate Professor and Vice Chair for Research in the DH Community and Family Medicine department and holds appointments in Biomedical Data Science and The Dartmouth Institute. 

Zoom Option
Meeting ID: 964 5430 5462
Passcode: 371677

In-Person Option
The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy & Clinical Practice, Williamson Translational Research Building (WTRB) – Room 571 East & West (light refreshments served)

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