Engagement, Leadership, and Research Management

To engage stakeholders in all aspects of the research process and effectively lead and manage LHS research teams and projects.

Ethics of Research and Implementation in Health Systems

To ensure that research and quality improvement done in health care settings adheres to the highest ethical standards.

Health and Healthcare Equity and Justice

To know how to assess health equity and apply LHS science methods to advance equity and justice in healthcare delivery systems and health.

Improvement and Implementation Science

To reduce avoidable variation in process and outcomes and ensure the systematic uptake of research findings in a health system.


To know how to use information systems to conduct LHS research and improve patient and health system outcomes.

Research Methods

To conduct research within the context of complex health systems using appropriate study designs and analytic methods to assess outcomes of interest to health systems stakeholders.

Research Questions and Standards of Scientific Evidence

To ask meaningful questions and evaluate the usefulness of scientific evidence and insights.

Systems Science

To understand how health systems operate and how to apply systems theory to research and implementation.


To secure funding for future research by developing skills in proposal development and grant writing.


To share knowledge and research results with diverse audiences, ensuring knowledge reaches healthcare teams, policymakers, and the community.