Current Research

“Mobilizing the Manpower of Mothers: How Wartime Production Needed Childcare during World War II,” with Joseph Ferrie and Claudia Goldin. NBER Working Paper w32755, July 2024. Revise and resubmit, Exploration in Economic History, special issue on WWII.

Gendered Change: 150 Years of Transformation in US Hours‘ with Rachel L. Ngai and Barbara Petrongolo, NBER Working Paper 32475, May 2024.

‘Rosie’s Kids: Exposure to Preschool 1942-46 and Later-Life Outcomes’ with J. Ferrie, C. Goldin and K. Genadek.

“Female Labor Force Participation and Intergenerational Mobility,” with Jorgen Modalsli, Daniele Paserman and Laura Salisbury. SLIDES, June 2024.

Permanent Working Papers

When the Kids Grow Up: Women’s Employment and Earnings across the Family Cycle,” with Claudia Goldin and Sari P. Kerr. NBER Working Paper w30323, August 2022.

Featured inVoxEU.

Weak-instrument robust inference for two-sample instrumental variables regression: a comment,” with M. Daniele Paserman and E. Anna Weber. February 2020.

​’Career Women and the Durability of Marriage,’ with Andrew F. Newman (October 2018) 

Featured in: Corriere della Sera (in italian)
Additional Materials: Slides, May 2016.

​’Are Working Women Good for Marriage?’ Institute for Economic Development DP 167, Boston University, April 2008, with Zvika Neeman & Andrew F. Newman.