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Ong, T. W., & Vandermeer, J. H. 2023. Ecological complexity and avoiding pest resurgence: intuitions from mathematical ecology. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 1-22.

Ong, T. W., B. B. Lin, A. Lucatero, H. Cohen, P. Bichier, M. H. Egerer, A. Danieu, S. Jha, S. M. Philpott, and H. Liere. 2022. Rarity Begets Rarity: Social and Environmental Drivers of Rare Organisms in Cities. Ecological Applications e2708. 

Ong, T. W., and W. Liao. 2020. Agroecological transitions: A mathematical perspective on a transdisciplinary problem. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 4:91.

Ong, T. W., K. Li, A. Lucatero, D. Pak, L. Hawkes, M. Hunter, and J. Vandermeer. 2020. Taylor made landscapes: Using Taylor’s Law to scale between metapopulations and source-sinks in urban garden space. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 4:46.

Ong, T. W., D. Allen,and J. Vandermeer. 2018. Huffaker revisited: Spatial heterogeneity and thecoupling of ineffective agents in biological control. Ecosphere 9:e02299.

Egerer, M., K. Li, and T. W. Ong. 2018. Context matters: Contrasting ladybird beetle responses tourban environments across two US regions. Sustainability 10:1829.

Ong, T. W., and J.Vandermeer. 2018. Multiple hysteretic patterns from elementary populationmodels. Theoretical Ecology:1–7.

Li, K., Y. He, S. K.Campbell, A. S. Colborn, E. L. Jackson, A. Martin, I. V. Monagan, T. W. Ong, and I. Perfecto. 2017. From endogenous to exogenous pattern formation: Invasiveplant species changes the spatial distribution of a native ant. Global ChangeBiology 23:2250–2261.

Ong, T. W., and J.Vandermeer. 2015. Coupling unstable agents in biological control. Nature Communications6.

Ong, T. W., and J.Vandermeer. 2014. Antagonism between two natural enemies improves biologicalcontrol of a coffee pest: The importance of dominance hierarchies. BiologicalControl 76:107–113.

Saunders, S. P., T. W. Ong, and F. J. Cuthbert. 2013. Auditory and visual threat recognition incaptive-reared Great Lakes piping plovers (Charadrius melodus). Applied AnimalBehaviour Science. 144:153–162.