Checking in materials

  • Select Check-in (no patron) – from the Function drop down box.  We use this option even if patrons are here.  (See example below)
  • With the cursor blinking in the “Key or scan item barcode” box, scan the barcode on the item.
  • The returned item barcode, call number, title and patron’s name will then appear and item is checked in.
  • Sensitize the item as long as it is not a videotape or cassette tape and place on cart for reshelving.
  • If the item is from another Dartmouth Library, check it in as above and print an intransit slip.  Place this in the book so that where it is going shows, and put the book in the gray courier crate.
  • When checking in an item, you may encounter the following special messages:

Barcode not in system — put book on library supervisor’s desk with a note explaining the problem
Not Checked Out — put book on the reshelving cart
Item belongs at Baker/Berry (or Feldberg, or Dana, or Matthews-Fuller, etc.) — Choose the option that says “Check in”, Print the transit slip. Put the transit slip in the book so that it shows where it is going, and put the book in the outgoing grey crate.
Item has hold to be picked up at….. — Follow the same procedure as above.
Put item on the holdshelf for….Follow the prompt to print slip. Fold the slip so the name of the patron shows at the top. Put the book with the slip in it on the hold shelf; alphabetical by the patron’s last name.
Item has status of withdrawn— Do not check in books that are withdrawn. Put them on the Library Supervisor’s desk with a note.
Cannot check in item because item status is MISSING — give to Library supervisor or put on Library Supervisor’s desk with a note.

—click to enlarge—
sierra check in