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1D. Motion in Two Dimensions

1D10. Displacement in Two Dimensions

1D10.40 Defining Angular Velocity

1D15. Velocity, Position, and Acceleration

1D40. Motion of the Center of Mass

1D40.10 Foam Disks with Offset Center of Mass

1D40.13 Center of Mass Tennis Balls on a String

1D50. Central Forces

1D50.10 Ball on String

1D50.40 Cup of Water on String

1D52. Deformation by Central Forces

1D52.20 Water Parabola

1D55. Centrifugal Escape

1D60. Projectile Motion

1D60.10 Vertical Gun on Cart

1D60.15 Verticle Gun on Cart on Incline

1D60.20 Simultaneous Fall and Horizontal Launch

1D60.34 Shoot the Monkey