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3B20.10 Hanging Slinky Wave Machine

Courses: P3, P13, P15, P41

Transverse waves, longitudinal waves, standing waves, reference frames.

Setup: In many rooms this is best mounted in front of a blackboard or whiteboard, clamped to the chalk tray. Use a shim of wood inside the tray to allow for secure clamping. When clamped to a chalk tray the whole assembly tends to lean out from the wall. To correct for this place wood shims between the wall and the support rods, as in the photos below.

To transfer the slinky between the storage holder and the long rod, first set up the long rod, then lift one end out of it's clamp and slide the storage inside it (the long rod is hollow). Then you can slide the washers back and forth between the two without getting things tangled.