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5N10.60 EM Waves — Radio Transmitter Lights a Light Bulb Connected to a Separate Dipole Antenna

Courses: P4, P14, P16

This device can be somewhat finicky. The power supply interferes with the transmitter's broadcast radio waves -- keep it as far as possible away from the transmitter, and keep the wire going between the two stretched as straight as possible. In addition, the placement of the transmitter on the desk seems to make a difference (perhaps some sort of interfering reflections happening?). If it doesn't work well, try sliding the transmitter further back or forward on the bench, or use a stand to raise it off the bench.

The broadcast waves will reek havoc with all sorts of electronic devices, like wireless mics, the controls for the projectors, etc. -- keep this in mind if filming the demo.

This device is from the 1930s, and despite appearances, the test tube and extra coils are all original, not later additions.