Category Archives: Energy

“Moments of Warmth” on a Snowy February Day

A friend who knows of my interest in transit and Canada shared this link. Wouldn’t it be fun to do a bus shelter like this at Dartmouth? This is not intended to promote Duracell.

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Multiuse Solar Panels/Bike Paths

We know that the Netherlands is a bike loving country. That together with some innovative minds gets you a solar bike path. Please click on the pictures for more information. Or in Dutch:  

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Are We Ready To Go?

One week countdown to the Way To Go! challenge. We are comparing Dartmouth commuter with DHMC commuters on the Carbon Throw Down page (check out other participating organizations too) to see how we are stacking up. Spread the word and help us … Continue reading

Posted in Commuting, Education, Energy, Rideshare, TDM, Transit | Leave a comment

New Eco-Activism Lecture on March 6 at Norwich University

Interesting lecture on March 6th. Speaker, Neri Oxman, is an Assistant Professor of Media Arts and Sciences at MIT. Her bio could be found here.

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What do you know about Chevy Volt?

Ken Kaliski talked about his experience with Chevy Volt in this detailed presentation (Kaliski TMA September 2012) during the UVTMA September meeting. 

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September UVTMA presentation

Upper Valley Transportation Management Association met in September and talked about energy efficient vehicles. Check out the attached presentation: UVTMA presentation  

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Steam is Hot: Dartmouth’s Steam System

Learn about the heating system at Dartmouth from the great video put out by the Office of Sustainability:

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Solar phone

Here is an example of an emergency phone – powered by a solar panel – in a parking lot in Mansfield, MA.

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Clean Motion

Stumbled upon a colleague from my past doing some great work at the Environment and Energy Study Institute in DC.  Thought his newsletter Clean Motion was worth sharing.

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Northern New England Fire Alarm

This photo inspired battery checks in my home’s alarm systems!

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