Queridos amigos


Directors: Vinícius Coimbra , Flávia Lacerda

Writer: Maria Adelaide Amaral

Actors: Dan Stulbach, Matheus Nachtergaele, Denise Fraga, Débora Bloch, Bruno Garcia, Guilherme Weber, Malu Galli

Production Co.: Rede Globo

Country: Brazil

Year: 2008

Language and subtitle information: Portuguese

Format: DVD

Summary: A story of the reunion of a close group of friends in 1989 following years of separation since the friendship first formed in the early 1970’s.

One Comment

on “Queridos amigos
One Comment on “Queridos amigos
  1. Queridos Amigos is an extremely well made miniseries with a spectacular cast that has friendship at the core of its plot. The series incorporates issues from the ’80s and the era of the Brazilian Military Dictatorship to depict the lives of a group of friends reunited after years apart. While Queridos Amigos’ plot strays greatly from its inspiration “Aos Meus Amigos,” the differences do not interfere with the enjoyment gained from watching this miniseries. One truly feels connected to Os Amigos at the end of the series.

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