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Papers and Publications

Published Articles

Understanding Recent Trends in Childhood Obesity in the United States.” (joint with Kristin Butcher and Diane Schanzenbach). Economics and Human Biology, Forthcoming.

Adequate (or Adipose?) Yearly Progress: Assessing the Effect of No Child Left Behind on Children’s Obesity.” (joint with Kristin Butcher and Diane Schanzenbach). Education Finance and Policy, 12(1), January 2017: 54-76.

Beyond Income: What Else Predicts Very Low Food Security Among Children?”  (joint with Kristin Butcher, Hilary Hoynes and Diane Schanzenbach). Southern Economic Journal, 82(4), (April 2016): 1078–1105.

Changes in Safety Net Use During the Great Recession.” (joint with Kristin Butcher and Diane Schanzenbach). American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings 2015, 105(5): 161-65.

Parental Employment, Family Routines, and Childhood Obesity.”  Economics and Human Biology, 10, (December 2012): 340 – 351.

Is Being in School Better? The Impact of School on Children’s BMI When Starting Age is Endogenous" (joint with Kristin Butcher, Elizabeth Cascio and Diane Schanzenbach). Journal of Health Economics, 30, (September 2011): 977 - 986.

Reading, Writing and Refreshments: Are School Finances Contributing to Children’s Obesity?” (joint with Kristin Butcher), Journal of Human Resources (Summer 2006): 467 – 494.

“Causes of the Increase in Childhood Overweight and Obesity,” (joint with Kristin Butcher), Future of Children, 16, (Spring 2006): 19 - 46.

Unemployment Insurance Tax Burdens and Benefits:  Funding Family Leave and Reforming the Payroll Tax,” (joint with Bruce Meyer), National Tax Journal, 61, (March 2006): 77 - 95.

"Maternal Employment and Overweight Children,” (joint with Phillip Levine and Kristin Butcher), Journal of Health Economics, 22, (May 2003): 477 - 504.

Economic Perspectives on Childhood Obesity,” (joint with Phillip Levine and Kristin Butcher), Economic Perspectives, 3Q, (2003): 30 – 48.

The Effects of the Unemployment Insurance Payroll Tax on Wages, Employment, Claims and Denials,” (joint with Bruce Meyer), Journal of Public Economics, 78, (October 2000): 81 - 106.

"Empirical Matching Functions:  Estimation and Interpretation Using State-Level Data," (joint with Simon Burgess), Review of Economics and Statistics, 82, (February 2000): 93 - 102.

"Trends in Male Labor Force Participation and Retirement:  Some Evidence on the Role of Pensions and Social Security in the 1970's and 1980's," (joint with Alan Gustman and Thomas Steinmeier), Journal of Labor Economics, 17, (October 1999):  757 - 783.

"Unemployment Insurance Takeup Rates and the After-Tax Value of Benefits,” (joint with Bruce Meyer), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 112, (August 1997):  913 - 937.

"The Effects of Firm Specific Taxes and Government Mandates with an Application to the U.S. Unemployment Insurance Program," (joint with Bruce Meyer), Journal of Public Economics, 65 (August 1997):  119 - 145.

"The Extent and Consequences of Job Turnover," (joint with Bruce Meyer), Brookings Papers on Economic Activity  Microeconomics (1994):  177 - 236.

"Linear Adjustment Costs and Seasonal Labor Demand:  Evidence from Retail Trade Firms," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 108, (November 1993):  1015 - 1042.

"The Unemployment Insurance Payroll Tax and Interindustry and Interfirm Subsidies," (joint with Bruce Meyer), Tax Policy and the Economy, 7, (1993):  111 - 144.

"Unemployment Insurance in the United States:  Layoff Incentives and Cross-Subsidies," (joint with Bruce Meyer), Journal of Labor Economics, 11, (January 1993, part 2):  S70 - S95.

"Time-Varying Effects of Recall Expectation, a Reemployment Bonus, and Job Counseling on Unemployment Durations," Journal of Labor Economics, 10, (January 1992):  99 - 115.

 Book Chapters

Child Care.” in Targeting Investments in Children: Fighting Poverty When Resources are Limited, Philip Levine and David Zimmerman eds. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010.

Childhood Disadvantage and Obesity:  Is Nurture Trumping Nature?” (joint with Kristin Butcher and Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach).  in What Have We Learned About the Problems of and Prospects for Disadvantaged Youth?, Jonathan Gruber ed., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009.

Monitoring and Assisting Active Job Search,” in OECD Proceedings:  Labour Market Policies and the Public Employment Service. Paris: OECD, 2001.

Child Care and Mother’s Employment Decisions.” (joint with Phil Levine) in Finding Jobs:  Work and Welfare Reform, David Card and Rebecca Blank eds., New York: Russell Sage, 2000.

"Continuing Benefit Eligibility:  Current Labor Market Attachment," in Unemployment Insurance in the United States:  Analysis of Policy Issues, Chris O'Leary and Steve Wandner eds., Kalamazoo, MI:  Upjohn Institute, 1997.

 Comments, Book Reviews, Miscellaneous

 Review of Unemployment Insurance Reform: Fixing a Broken System by Stephen A. Wandner, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, forthcoming.

 The Relationships Among SNAP Benefits, Grocery Spending, Diet Quality, and the Adequacy of Low-Income Families’ Resources” (joint with Kristin Butcher). Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Policy Futures, June 14, 2016.

 Review of Solving the Reemployment Puzzle: From Research to Policy by Stephen A. Wandner, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 64, (July 2011): 821-822.

Review of Higher Ground: New Hope for the Working Poor and Their Children by Greg J. Duncan, Aletha C. Huston, and Thomas S. Weisner, Journal of Economic Literature, 46, (September 2008): 737-738.

Unemployment Insurance” Article for The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd edition. 2008.

Understanding Business Dynamics: An Integrated Data System for America’s Future, John Haltiwanger, Lisa M. Lynch and Christopher Mackie eds.  Washington, DC: National Academies Press 2007. (This book is the final output of the Panel on Measuring Business Formation, Dynamics and Performance).

Review of Unemployment Compensation Throughout the World:  A Comparative Analysis by Vroman, Wayne and Vera Brusentsev, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 60, (January 2007): 298-299.

Review of Imports, Exports, and Jobs  by Kletzer, Lori G., Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations, 59-2 (Spring 2004): 423 - 424.

Review of Topics in Unemployment Insurance Financing by Vroman, Wayne, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 53, (January 2000): 341.

Review of Job Creation and Destruction by Davis, Steven J., John C. Haltiwanger and Scott Shuh, Journal of International Economics, (May 1997):  505 - 507.

 Working Papers and Drafts

New Evidence on Why Children’s Food Security Varies Across Households with Similar Incomes: Final Report for the UKCPR Research Program on Childhood Hunger” (joint with Kristin Butcher, Hilary Hoynes and Diane Schanzenbach), (May 2014).

Understanding Food Insecurity during the Great Recession: Final Report for the Russell Sage Foundation” (joint with Kristin Butcher, Hilary Hoynes and Diane Schanzenbach), (March 2014)

Understanding Food Insecurity in the Great Recession” (joint with Kristin Butcher, Hilary Hoynes and Diane Schanzenbach). Mimeograph, prepared for Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management  Conference, Baltimore, MD, November 2012.

Where the Boys No Longer Are:  Recent Trends in U.S. College Enrollment Patterns.” Mimeograph July 2002.  Accepted at Topics in Economic Analysis & Policy, under revision for upgrade to Contributions in Economic Analysis & Policy.

"The Effect of Employer-Provided Health Insurance on Job Mobility:  Job-Lock or Job-Push?” Mimeograph, October 1998.

"The Effects of Unemployment Insurance Taxes and Benefits on Layoffs Using Firm and Individual Data," (joint with Bruce Meyer), NBER Working Paper #4960, December 1994.  Revised January 1996.

"The New Jersey Unemployment Insurance Reemployment Demonstration Project Follow-Up Report," (joint with Walter Corson and Paul Decker) Unemployment Insurance Occasional Paper 91-1, U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Unemployment Insurance Service, 1991.