In the Greenland 2017 season, Joshua Elliott and Austin Lines deployed to Summit Station, Greenland for four weeks, using Cool Robot to tow a ground penetrating radar (GPR) system and a custom specific surface area (SSA) instrument in grid patterns over the snow. They spent most of their time in a small camp, a few miles from the NSF base, where they could operate the robot in the undisturbed snow area, collecting data about the compaction rates of the snow over time using 900 MHz and 2.6 GHz GPR antennas as well as about the interaction of the snow surface with the surrounding environment using a shortwave IR camera.

In addition, as fellows in the Joint Science Education Project,  Joshua and Austin then shared their research with high school students from the United States, Denmark, and Greenland during the program’s Science Education Week. During this week, the 20 JSEP students flew to Summit Station where they spent five days learning about the polar science being conducted on station and conducting their own mini-research projects.


Late night sun dog behind the Big House at #SummitStation #Greenland

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Waterfall/rapids outside of #Kangerlussuaq #Greenland

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The D7E moving snow around to remediate drift. #SummitStation #Greenland

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Weather balloon launch at Summit Station, Greenland

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@bogan.lines immediately after climbing out of the snow pit. #SummitStation #Greenland

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Looking out onto the ice sheet, mostly blue skies and snowing. #Greenland #SummitStation #ThayerSchool #Dartmouth

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Roald Amundsen watching over camp at Summit Station, Greenland

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The LC-130 that dropped us off at Summit. The skis enable it to take off from snow runways like the one here.

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Cockpit of the LC-130 heading to #SummitStation

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@bogan.lines hard at work finishing his @lureofthenorth anorak before we head to Greenland.

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