William Wohlforth

A member of the Government Department's faculty since 2000, I teach and conduct research on international relations, with an emphasis on international security and foreign policy. Before coming here, I taught at Princeton and Georgetown. I graduated with a degree in international relations from Beloit College, worked as a legislative aide in the U.S. House of Representatives and did my graduate work at Yale University, earning an MA in international relations and PhD in Political Science. My Personal website has all the details on current research and teaching.
Professor Wohlforth's Recent Publications:
- Kastner, J. and W.C. Wohlforth, "A Measure Short of War: The Return of Great Power Subversion," Foreign Affairs (July/August 2021), 118-131.
- Wohlforth, W.C. "Realism and Great Power Subversion," International Relations 34: 4 (December 2020)
- Sambanis N., S. Skaperdas & W.C., Wohlforth, "External Intervention, Identity, and Civil War" Comparative Political Studies 2020. Vol. 53(14) 2155 –2182
- Paci., S., Sambanis, N., & W.C. Wohlforth, "Status-Seeking and Nation-Building: The 'Piedmont Principle' Revisited" Journal of Interdisciplinary History Vol. 51, No. 1, Summer 2020, pp. 65-95.
Sherman Teichman
I am the Founding President of the initiative, The Trebuchet, Breaking Down Barriers-Building Bridges, and convener of its community, Convisero. I am the Founding Director Emeritus (1985-2016) of the Institute For Global Leadership at Tufts University. Directly after becoming Emeritus, I was named a Senior Fellow with the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at the Kennedy School of Harvard University. I am a Non-Resident Research Associate at the Centre for International Studies of Oxford University's Department of Politics and International Relations. I serve as Senior Fellow at the Liechtenstein Institute for Strategic Development, and the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights; Senior Strategic Advisor for the Human Rights Foundation, and Strategic Adviser for RefugePoint, and Music for Life International.
I serve on the Advisory Boards of the VII Foundation and the Mind/Brain Center on War and Humanity; Internet Bar Organization, the Development Advisory Board of the Council for European Studies, and contributor, EuropeNow; Daughters for Life Foundation; The Academic Board of the American Friends of Combatants for Peace; Student Pugwash USA, International Student/Youth Pugwash, the International Peace Accelerator; Embodying Peace; Embodying Justice, Jewish Movement for Uyghur Freedom, Global Futurist Initiative, and Final Words.
Now my joy is in integrating six decades of mentoring and teaching by mentoring new an intellectually curious generations inquisitive about ways to pursue peace and resolve conflict.
A avid saber fencer, I have fenced in worldwide competitions, and coached at Boston University, Harvard, University of Chicago, and Tufts.
I am dedicated to my wonderful family, and my delightful pup, Remi.