Publications (2021-present)

Decoupling Dipolar Interactions in Dense Spin Ensembles
L. Joseph, W. Alford, C. Ramanathan

Characterizing the magnetic noise power spectrum of dark spins in diamond
E. Q. Williams, C. Ramanathan
in press, New Journal of Physics, 2025. DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/adb2b8

Dipolar Order Induced Electron Spin Hyperpolarization 
A. Equbal, C. Ramanathan, S. Han

J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 15, 5397-5406, 2024.

P1 center electron spin clustering in type Ib diamond
S. Bussandri, D. Shimon, A. Equbal, Y. Ren, S. Takahashi, C. Ramanathan, S. Han

J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 146, 5088–5099, 2024.

Optical Conductivity Signatures of Floquet Electronic Phases
A. Cupo, J. T. Heath, E. Cobanera, J. D. Whitfield, C. Ramanathan, L. Viola
Physical Review B, 108, 024308 (2023) quant-ph/2302.02261

Machine learning assisted determination of electronic correlations from magnetic resonance
A. Rao, S. Carr, C. Snider, D. E. Feldman, C. Ramanathan, V. F. Mitrovic
Physical Review Research, 5, 043098 (2023) cond-mat.dis-nn/2212.01946

Multi-modal spectroscopy of order parameter distributions
S. Carr, I. K. Nikolov, R. Cong, A. Del Maestro, C. Ramanathan. V. F. Mitrovic

Physical Review B, 108, 054421 (2023). cond-mat.mes-hall/2208.10987.

Room Temperature DNP of Diamond Powder Using Frequency Modulation
D. Shimon, K. Cantwell, L. Joseph, C. Ramanathan

Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 122, 101833 (2022) cond-mat.mtrl-sci/2207.14731.

Large Room Temperature Bulk DNP of 13C via P1 Centers in Diamond
D. Shimon, K. Cantwell, L. Joseph, E. Q. Williams, Z. Peng, S. Takahashi, C. Ramanathan

 Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 126, 17777-17787 (2022) cond-mat.mtrl-sci/2207.11961.

Signatures of electronic correlations and spin-susceptibility anisotropy in nuclear magnetic resonance
S. Carr, C. Snider, D. E. Feldman, C. Ramanathan, J. B. Marston, V. F. Mitrovic
Physical Review B, 106, L041119 (2022) quant-ph/2110.06811

Floquet Graphene Antidot Lattices
A. Cupo, E. Cobanera, J. D. Whitfield, C. Ramanathan, L. Viola
Physical Review B, 104, 174304 (2021) quant-ph/2108.06472

Spectral diffusion of phosphorus donors in silicon at high magnetic field
L. Zhu, J. van Tol, C. Ramanathan
Submitted quant-ph/2107.06390

Deep reinforcement learning for quantum Hamiltonian engineering
P. Peng, X. Huang, C. Yin, L. Joseph, C. Ramanathan, P. Cappellaro
Physical Review Applied, 18, 024033 (2022) quant-ph/2102.13161

Prethermal quasiconserved observables in Floquet quantum systems
C. Yin, P. Peng, X. Huang, C. Ramanathan, P. Cappellaro
Physical Review B, 103, 054305 (2021). quant-ph/2005.11150

Observation of Floquet prethermalization in dipolar spin chains
P. Peng,  C. Yin, X. Huang, C. Ramanathan, P. Cappellaro
Nature Physics, 17, 444-447 (2021). quant-ph/1912.05799

See the accompanying News and Views article:  The quick drive to pseudo-equilibrium