

Chandrasekhar Ramanathan
Office:  238 Wilder Hall
Tel: +1 603 646 9780

e-mail:  chandrasekhar.ramanathanATdartmouthDOTedu

Graduate Students

  • Linta Joseph
  • James Logan


Undergraduate Students

  • Alexander Almanza, ’27
  • Ahmed Al Sunbati, ’27
  • Catherine Chu, ’26
  • Melody Tsutsumi Cruz, ’25
  • Ada Praun-Petrovic, ’27
  • Divik Verma, ’26

Former Group Members

  • Wynter Alford ’22 – graduate student at Rochester
  • Laurel Anderson ’14 – postdoc at the University of Washington
  • William Athol ’15 – manager at Radia, Inc.
  • Chris Candelora ’22 – graduate student at Boston College
  • Kelly Cantwell, MS 2020 – graduate student at Dartmouth
  • Krishan Canzius ’18 – graduate student at Penn
  • Owen Eskandari, ’22 – graduate student at Wisconsin-Madison
  • Tara Gallagher ’19 – graduate student at Harvard
  • Dr. Mallory Guy, PhD 2017
  • Margaret Hubble ’21 – graduate student at CUNY
  • William Kaufman ’20 – Consultant at Mastercard
  • Hassan Kiani ’16 – engineer at Apple
  • Katherine Lasonde ’23 – engineer at Amazon Robotics
  • Dr. Luigi Longobardi – Director of Publishing Ethics and Conduct at IEEE Publishing
  • Merritt Losert ’17  – graduate student at Wisconsin-Madison
  • Alexander Meill ’13 – faculty at Wentworth Institute of Technology
  • Kevin Miao ’13 – scientist at Google Quantum
  • Sarah Pasternak ’14 – engineer at Analog Devices
  • Henry Prestegaard ’22 – graduate student at Princeton
  • Dr. Kipp van Schooten – engineer at Northrup Grumman
  • Madhumati Seetharaman – graduate student at Delft University
  • Dr. Daphna Shimon – faculty at Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • Dr. Bhargava Thyagarajan – postdoc at Institute of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Austria
  • Kent Ueno ’18 –  graduate student at the Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo
  • Jon Vandermause ’16 – postdoc at D.E. Shaw
  • Emeric Vuillez – Engineer at ISS Facility Services
  • Dr. Ethan Williams – postdoc at University of Washington
  • Christopher Zeitler ’12
  • Dr. Lihuang Zhu, PhD 2018 – engineer at IQM Quantum Computing