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Welcome to my homepage. I am the Head of Research and Development at Crypto Asset Technology (CAT) Labs, as well as a Doctoral Candidate at Dartmouth College. My current research interests revolve around generative deep learning, secure computation, blockchain technologies and cryptocurrency, and learning for distributed, multi-agent autonomous systems. I have previously made forays into decision support, cloud resilience, malware analysis, and cyber deception.


  • I am currently on a Leave of Absence from Dartmouth College in order to focus on helping CAT Labs develop robust and innovative cybersecurity tools that will enhance governments' ability to fight cyber and crypto crimes, and protect investors.

Degrees of Separation (from

Vitalik Buterin: 4

Vitalik Buterin → (1 paper) Ying Wang → (1 papers) Peng Liu → (3 papers) George Cybenko → (2 papers) Me

Paul Erdős: 4

Paul Erdős → (7 papers) Fan Chung Graham → (7 papers) Shing-Tung Yao → (1 paper) Wei Dai → (1 paper) Me

Edsger Dijkstra: 5

Edsger W. Dijkstra → (1 paper) John R. Rice → (8 papers) Anupam Joshi → (2 papers) Sharad Mehrotra → (6 papers) Mamadou H. Diallo → (5 papers) Me

Alan Turing: 6

Alan M. Turing → (1 paper) Robin O. Gandy → (1 paper) Dana S. Scott → (1 paper) Michael O. Rabin → (1 paper) Jonathan Katz → (11 papers) Alex Malozemoff → (1 paper) Me