Chair: John S. Winn
Professors J. J. BelBruno, C. L. Braun, R. S. Cantor, R. Ditchfield, D. S. Glueck, G. W. Gribble, R. P. Hughes, P. A. Jacobi, D. M. Lemal, J. E. G. Lipson, D. E. Wilcox, J. S. Winn; Associate Professor D. L. Wright; Assistant Professors A. C. Anderson, R. B. Grubbs, F. J. Kull; Senior Lecturers S. P. Milde, P. S. Veale; Adjunct Professors B. R. Donald, J. W. Hamilton, R. A. Naumann, R. M. Ross, H. M. Swartz; Adjunct Associate Professors T. U. Gerngross, U. J. Gibson, D. R. Madden; Adjunct Assistant Professor B. C. Bostick; Research Professor T. A. Spencer; Research Assistant Professors T. Honda, S. Stürup, J. Zhou.
The Chemistry Department offers four major programs. All major programs require an average GPA of 2.0 in all courses counted toward the major, including prerequisites taken in Chemistry. Three of these programs are offered as majors in chemistry: Plan A, for those who wish a broad and thorough training in chemistry; Plan B, for those whose scientific interests are only partially based in chemistry; and a modified major, which is similar to Plan B, but also includes a minor program involving another college department.
Plan A should be chosen by students who plan to do graduate work in chemistry or a closely allied science. Such students should normally add further courses in chemistry, physics, and mathematics to the plan’s minimum requirements. Plan A is also a suitable choice for premedical students.
Plan B is less structured and is suitable for students planning to engage in chemically-related careers, such as medicine, environmental science, life science, or industrial science, or professions for which the study of chemistry may prove desirable, such as teaching, law, or business.
The fourth program offered by the Chemistry Department is a major in biophysical chemistry. This is a relatively structured major designed for students interested in biological chemistry and chemical methods for studying life processes. It provides a strong background for graduate work in biophysical chemistry, structural biology, biochemistry, and biomedical science, and is suitable for premedical students. Students are encouraged to add further courses in chemistry, biochemistry, biological sciences, mathematics, and physics to the plan’s minimum requirements.
Dartmouth College requires that all majors must complete a substantial, graded culminating or integrating activity in their major. Many chemistry majors will satisfy this requirement by participating in undergraduate research by registering for one or more terms of Chemistry 87, Undergraduate Investigation in Chemistry. Often such students will be enrolled in the Chemistry Honors Program as well.
Other chemistry majors will satisfy the requirement for a culminating or integrating experience by including in their major programs one of the three-course groups listed below. The course groups, each of which provides an integrated presentation of an important area of modern chemical sciences, are: Biophysical Chemistry Chemistry 61, 62, and 67; Physical ChemistryChemistry 71, 72, and 73; Chemical Applications, Synthesis and Characterization three courses from among Chemistry 63, 64, and one graduate-level course approved by petition.
Students must indicate their plans for satisfying the requirement for the culminating or integrating experience by the time they enroll in the major and submit their major cards. They must confirm their plans at the beginning of the fall term of the senior year. Modified majors with Chemistry as the primary department must define a culminating or integrating experience as part of the coherent and unified whole of their modified major with written approval of the Department’s Undergraduate Advisory Committee.
The computation of the average in the major will be based upon all courses that are eligible to be counted toward the major.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 5-6 (or 3-6 or 10); Mathematics 3, 8, and 13 (or equivalents); and Physics 13-14 (or 3-4 or 15-16).
Required Courses: Chemistry 51 or 57, 52 or 58, 64, 71, 72, and 73.
Two additional courses selected from among Chemistry 41, 59, 63, 67 and 87; graduate-level courses in Chemistry; Physics 19; Biology 23, 77, and 78; Mathematics 20, 22 or 24, 23 and 33; and, with prior written permission, relevant major credit (or graduate-level) courses in other departments in the Division of the Sciences. Chemistry 41 cannot be taken in conjunction with either Biology 77 or Biology 78.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 5-6 (or 3-6 or 10); Mathematics 3 and 8 (or equivalent); and Physics 13-14 (or 3-4 or 15-16).
Required Courses: Of the eight courses, a minimum of six must be in chemistry to include a) Chemistry 51 or 57, 61 and 62 or 71 and 72, and 64; b) two additional courses from the following group: Chemistry 41, 52 or 58, 59, 63, 67, 73, 87, and graduate-level courses in chemistry. Note that Chemistry 72 is a prerequisite to Chemistry 73.
The remaining two courses may be additional chemistry courses from group b) above or may be chosen from the following: Physics 19; Biology 23, 77, and 78; Mathematics 20, 22 or 24, 23 and 33; and, with prior written permission, relevant major credit (or graduate-level) courses in other departments in the Division of the Sciences. Chemistry 41 cannot be taken in conjunction with either Biology 77 or Biology 78.
Modified Major with Chemistry as the primary department
Prerequisite: As required by courses elected.
Required Courses: Six in total, four of which must be Chemistry offerings and must include Chemistry 51 or 57, 64, and 61 or 71. The other two courses may be Chemistry Department courses or may be chosen from the following group: Physics 19; Biology 23, 77 and 78; Mathematics 20, 22 or 24, 23, and 33; and with prior written permission, relevant major credit (or graduate level) courses in other departments in the Division of Sciences. Chemistry 41 cannot be taken in conjunction with either Biology 77 or Biology 78.
Four additional courses from the secondary department selected with the approval of any member of the Undergraduate Advisory Committee (and under certain circumstances by the secondary department; see the Regulations under Department Major).
Modified Major with Chemistry as the secondary department
Prerequisite: As required by courses elected.
Required Courses: Four courses, which must be chemistry offerings, suitable (beyond prerequisites to the major) for completion of the Plan A or Plan B major.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 5-6 (or 3-6 or 10); Mathematics 3 and 8 (or equivalent); Physics 13-14 (or 3-4 or 15-16); Biology 15 and 16.
Required Courses: Chemistry 41, 51 or 57, 52 or 58, 61, 62, 64, and 67.
One additional course selected from among Chemistry 59, 63 or 87; graduate- level courses in chemistry; Biology 23; Engineering Sciences 35; Mathematics 20, 22 or 24, 23, or 33; Physics 19; and with prior written permission, relevant major credit (or graduate-level) courses in other departments in the Division of the Sciences. Chemistry 71, 72 and 73 may be substituted for Chemistry 61, 62 and the one additional course.
A typical arrangement of courses for a Plan A major is given below with possible alternative scheduling in brackets. Courses marked with an asterisk (*) are optional in the sense of the additional (optional) courses above. The Plan B or modified major offers substantially increased flexibility in scheduling.
Year |
Summer |
Fall |
Winter |
Spring |
1st |
Mathematics 3 Chemistry 10† |
Chemistry 5 (or 3) Mathematics 8 [Physics 13] |
Chemistry 6 [Mathematics 8] [Physics 14] |
2nd |
Chemistry 51 (or 57) Mathematics 13 |
Chemistry 52 (or 58) Physics 13 |
Physics 14 [Chemistry 41*] [Chemistry 51] |
3rd |
[Chemistry 52] Chemistry 63* |
Chemistry 64 Chemistry 71 |
Chemistry 72 [Chemistry 41*] |
4th |
Chemistry 87* |
Chemistry 73 Chemistry 87* |
Chemistry 67* Chemistry 87* |
[Chemistry 41*] Chemistry 87* |
†A student who takes this course would not take Chemistry 3, 5 or 6.
Students considering a Chemistry Department major are strongly encouraged to take Chemistry 5-6 (or 10 or 3-6) in their first year. Students with advanced placement in English, foreign language, or chemistry are urged to consider taking Physics 13-14 during the first year. This is also advisable for those students who delay completion of the language requirement until sophomore year in Language Study Abroad. Students who plan to participate in Language Study Abroad should give early attention to the need for careful curriculum planning. In some cases it may be advisable to postpone the LSA term to the fall term of the junior year. If so, it is necessary to obtain (routine) approval from the Registrar for deferral of completion of the Language requirement.
All Chemistry Department majors have required courses that are to be taken in the junior winter and spring terms. For example, Plan A majors take Chemistry 64 and 71 in the junior winter term followed by Chemistry 72 in their junior spring, while Biophysical Chemistry majors take Chemistry 64 in their junior winter followed by Chemistry 61 in the junior spring term. Plan B majors who elect Chemistry 71 and 72 must take these courses in their junior year. The timing of these courses has important ramifications for the completion of prerequisite courses. As a general guideline, it is recommended that the physics and mathematics prerequisites for these courses, as well as Chemistry 51 or 57, be completed by the end of the sophomore spring term. Specifically, Plan A majors must complete Physics 13 (or 15, or 3 and 4) and Mathematics 13 before they take Chemistry 71, and Plan B and Biophysical Chemistry majors must complete Physics 13 (or 15, or 3 and 4) and Mathematics 8 before they take Chemistry 61. Any changes of courses from those listed on the major card filed with the Department must be approved in writing by a departmental adviser before the course is taken for credit.
Many Chemistry Department majors do research projects. This research is usually done during the senior (and sometimes junior) year and often for credit (see Chemistry 87), though occasionally a stipend is available to allow a student to do full-time research during a leave term. All majors are urged to investigate the numerous possible research projects offered by chemistry faculty members. A brochure describing faculty research interests and the Chemistry 87 application form are available from the Department staff (102 Burke). The brochure enables a student to identify research areas of particular interest. A final choice of research project is made after consultation with the faculty member(s) concerned. The completed application form is submitted to the Chair for signature.
The Chemistry Department offers a single minor program. Any student wishing to enroll in the minor program must submit a minor card signed by a member of the Undergraduate Advisory Committee no later than the middle of the third term prior to graduation.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 5-6 (or 3-6 or 10) and Mathematics 3
Required Courses: Chemistry 51 or 57 and 64
Two additional courses selected from among Chemistry 41, 52 or 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 71, 72, and 87; graduate-level courses in chemistry; Physics 19; Biology 23, 77 and 78; Mathematics 20, 22 or 24, 23, and 33 and with prior written permission, relevant major credit (or graduate-level) courses in other departments in the Division of the Sciences. The NRO option is disallowed for courses taken to fulfill the chemistry minor. Chemistry 61 and 62 cannot be taken in conjunction with Chemistry 71 and Chemistry 72. Chemistry 41 cannot be taken in conjunction with either Biology 77 or Biology 78. Students should note that many of the courses listed above have prerequisites in addition to Chemistry 6 and Mathematics 3.
The minor in Materials is sponsored by faculty in Chemistry, Physics and Engineering with an interest in interdisciplinary education and research in materials science (see page XXX).
A student whose grades meet the minimum College requirement for honors work (see page XXX) may apply to be admitted to the Honors Program. An honors major follows the basic pattern outlined in the requirements for the chemistry major but is very strongly urged to elect additional courses in chemistry and allied sciences.
An honors student carries out one of two individual projects. Usually an original experimental or theoretical investigation is undertaken in a well-defined area of interest under the guidance and supervision of a member of the faculty. A student with a strong interest in teaching may, however, formulate and carry out under the direction of a member of the faculty a program combining the development of instructional materials with actual experience in classroom or laboratory teaching. In either case, on completion of the work the student will write a thesis and take an oral examination.
A student electing an original experimental or theoretical investigation may conduct it by electing Chemistry 87 three times (counting as three courses toward graduation, but only once toward the minimum group of major courses) or during a leave term of full-time effort. He or she may also request consideration of any appropriate combination of Chemistry 87 and noncredit research. A project concerned with the development of educational materials and experience in teaching will be similar in extent.
Ordinarily, the Honors Program will be undertaken by seniors, but juniors who have progressed sufficiently far in satisfying the normal requirements may be permitted to participate. A student who wishes to participate in the Honors Program must apply for admission to the Program by submitting a form, available from the Department staff, before beginning work on an honors project, unless special permission has been obtained from the Chair. Before or at the time of application the student must arrange for the supervision of the work, normally by a member of the faculty of the Department. The deadline for applications is the third day of the winter term of the senior year. Additional information is available from the Department office.
Those students who satisfactorily complete the Honors Program with a ‘B+’ average or better in the grade(s) assigned to their honors work at the time of examination will earn Honors recognition in the major or, in appropriate cases, High Honors. High Honors will be granted only by vote of the Department on the basis of outstanding independent work. An interim evaluation of honors students will be made after one term and continuation will be recommended for those students whose work demonstrates the capacity for satisfactory (B+) work. Students who satisfactorily complete the Honors Program will have Honors in Chemistry or Biophysical Chemistry, or, when appropriate, High Honors in Chemistry or Biophysical Chemistry, entered on their permanent record.
The general requirements for the Master’s degree are given on page XXX of this bulletin. These requirements, together with the specific requirements of the Department of Chemistry normally allow completion of the degree in two years.
The specific requirements are as follows:
1. Each student must pass with a grade of P or better eight courses from the offerings in chemistry and allied areas that have been chosen in consultation with the adviser and approved by the Graduate Student Advisory Committee (GSAC). Chemistry 256 and one term of Chemistry 257 may count. Up to four courses may be in graduate-level research, but they may not include the Colloquium courses 140 or 141, nor may courses numbered below 100 count in the eight-course total.
2. The student must complete a satisfactory thesis and pass creditably an oral examination upon this thesis.
3. In the course of this training, the student must gain experience in teaching, including completion of Chemistry 256.
A student will be admitted to candidacy for the doctorate after satisfying the following requirements:
1. Completion, by the start of the Fall term of the student’s second year in the program, through an appropriate combination of Dartmouth courses or performance on diagnostic entrance examinations, of a breadth requirement in three of the four topical areas of biological, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry.
2. Passing within a specified time a total of five cumulative examinations in chemistry at an advanced level, at least three of which must be from an area closely allied with the student’s research area.
3. Presentation before the Department of a lecture unrelated to the thesis topic.
4. Submission and oral defense of an original research proposal in an area removed from the student’s own thesis research.
The candidate will receive the doctorate upon:
1. Satisfactory completion of an original thesis project of high quality and substantial significance, and approval of the thesis embodying the results of this research.
2. Successful defense of this thesis in an oral examination.
A candidate for the doctorate will take various courses in chemistry and allied fields that are pertinent to their area of study. He or she will also participate actively in undergraduate teaching, including completion of Chemistry 256. It is anticipated that a graduate student will normally complete all of the requirements for the doctorate in approximately five years. It is not necessary to earn a master’s degree as a prerequisite to the doctorate.
More complete information can be obtained from the brochure, Graduate Study in Chemistry at Dartmouth, obtainable from the Department of Chemistry.
A student will be admitted to candidacy for the doctorate after satisfying the following requirements:
1. Completion, by the start of the Fall term of the student’s second year in the program, through an appropriate combination of Dartmouth courses or performance on diagnostic entrance examinations, of a breadth requirement in three of the four topical areas of biological, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry.
2. Successful completion, by the end of the student’s third year in the program, of four core courses satisfying the breadth requirement in Materials Chemistry, and a minimum of three elective courses selected from the Chemistry-Materials elective course list.
3. Annual presentation of a Research in Progress lecture to the Materials Chemistry Group, and submission of an annual research progress report to the student’s Research Advisory Committee.
4. Submission and oral defense of an original research proposal in an area removed from the student’s own thesis research.
The candidate will receive the doctorate upon:
1. Satisfactory completion of an original thesis project of high quality and substantial significance, and approval of the thesis embodying the results of this research.
2. Successful defense of this thesis in an oral examination.
A candidate for the doctorate will take additional courses in chemistry and allied fields as required for their area of study. He or she will also participate actively in undergraduate teaching, including completion of Chemistry 256. Students are required to attend research discussion meetings of the Center for Nanomaterials Research at Dartmouth, as well as seminars designated as Materials Seminars by the Center. It is anticipated that a graduate student will normally complete all of the requirements for the doctorate in approximately five years. It is not necessary to earn a master’s degree as a prerequisite to the doctorate.
3. General Chemistry
05W, 06W: 10; Laboratory: Arrange
An introduction to the fundamental principles of chemistry, including chemical stoichiometry; the properties of gases, liquids, and solids; solutions; chemical equilibria; and an introduction to thermodynamics. Chemistry 3 is intended for students whose preparation in science and mathematics may be inadequate for Chemistry 5. The course moves at a more moderate pace and emphasizes those topics which are essential as preparation for further work in chemistry and for medical school. The laboratory work emphasizes physical-chemical measurements, quantitative analysis, and synthesis.
Students enroll initially in Chemistry 5, and enrollment in Chemistry 3 is then by invitation only based on secondary school background, CEEB scores, and performance in mathematics during the fall term. Students who successfully complete both Chemistry 3 and Mathematics 2 or 3 will be eligible to enroll in Chemistry 6.
Prerequisite: Mathematics 1 or 3. Students who have taken Mathematics 1 as a prerequisite for Chemistry 3 must take Mathematics 2 concurrently with Chemistry 3. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: SLA.
5-6. General Chemistry
5. 04F, 05W, 05F, 06W: 10; Laboratory: Arrange
6. 05S, 06S: 9, 10; Laboratory: Arrange
An introduction to the fundamental principles of chemistry, including chemical stoichiometry; the properties of gases, liquids, and solids; solutions; chemical equilibria; atomic and molecular structure; an introduction to thermodynamics; reaction kinetics; and a discussion of the chemical properties of selected elements. The laboratory work emphasizes physical-chemical measurements, quantitative analysis, and synthesis.
An outline of topics for review of secondary school background in preparation for college general chemistry is available from the Department of Chemistry.
Students who are eligible to receive advanced placement credit for Chemistry 5-6 may not enroll in Chemistry 5-6 or Chemistry 10 for credit without permission of the Department. Advanced placement credit for Chemistry 5-6 will be withdrawn for students who subsequently enroll in Chemistry 5-6 or Chemistry 10.
Prerequisite: Mathematics 3 (or Mathematics 1 and 2). Students who wish to take Mathematics 2 concurrently with Chemistry 5 must consult with a Chemistry 5 instructor. Chemistry 5, or Chemistry 3, and Mathematics 2 or 3 are prerequisites for Chemistry 6. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: SLA.
7. First-Year Seminars in Chemistry
Consult special listings
10. Honors First-Year General Chemistry
04F, 05F: 10; Laboratory W or Th 2:00-6:00 p.m.
Chemistry 10 is a general chemistry course for students with a strong background in chemistry and mathematics who may have an interest in majoring in the sciences. The course will cover selected general chemistry topics important for higher level chemistry courses. These include thermodynamics, reaction kinetics, quantum mechanics, and bonding. Laboratory work will emphasize physico-chemical measurements and quantitative analysis.
Chemistry 10 is open only to first-year students and enrollment is limited. Admission is by satisfactory performance on a general chemistry proficiency test given during Orientation. Adequate mathematics preparation, equivalent to Mathematics 3, is also required. Chemistry 10 is offered in the fall term and is the prerequisite equivalent to Chemistry 5/6. Students who successfully complete Chemistry 10 will also be granted credit for Chemistry 5, if they have not already been granted such credit.
Prerequisite: Satisfactory performance on the general chemistry proficiency test and credit for Mathematics 3 or equivalent. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: SLA.
41. Biological Chemistry
05S, 06S: 12;Laboratory M, W or Th 2:00-6:00 p.m.
This course is a one-term introduction to biochemistry presented from a chemical perspective. This course is intended for chemistry majors and will be divided into three sections, using specific examples to demonstrate and stress the role and integration of organic, inorganic and physical chemistry as applied to biochemical processes. Laboratories cover chemical methods applied to biological chemistry problems.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 52, or permission of the instructor. Students with credit for Biology 77 or 78 are not eligible to receive credit for Chemistry 41. Dist: SLA.
51-52. Organic Chemistry
51. 04F, 05F: 11; Laboratory Tu,W or Th 2:00-8:00 p.m.
05S, 06S: 11; Laboratory Tu,W or Th 2:00-8:00 p.m.
52. 05W, 06W: 11; Laboratory Tu,W or Th 2:00-8:00 p.m.
04X, 05X: 11; Laboratory Tu,W or Th 2:00-8:00 p.m.
A two-term introduction to the chemistry of carbon compounds. The lectures deal with the preparation, properties, and reactions of most of the important classes of organic compounds. There is considerable stress upon reaction mechanisms and some attention is given to naturally occurring substances of biological importance.
The laboratory work will introduce the student to experimental techniques and instrumental methods including several types of chromatography and spectroscopy, organic synthesis, and the systematic identification of organic compounds.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 6 (or 10), or permission of the instructor. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: SLA.
57-58. Organic Chemistry
57. 04F, 05F: 11; Laboratory: M 2:00-8:00 p.m.
58. 05W, 06W: 11; Laboratory: M 2:00-8:00 p.m.
A two-term introduction to the chemistry of carbon compounds intended primarily for students planning a chemistry major or career of research in a chemically-related science (including medical science). The laboratory work is similar to, but slightly more research- oriented than, the laboratory work in Chemistry 51-52. It introduces the student to experimental techniques and instrumental methods (including chromatographic techniques and NMR, IR and UV spectroscopy) through application to synthesis, identification of organic compounds, and individual projects. Enrollment in Chemistry 57-58 is limited.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 6 (or 10), and permission of instructor. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: SLA.
59. Special Topics in Organic Chemistry
Not offered in the period from 04F through 06S
Special topics in advanced organic chemistry. The selection will vary from year to year, but typical subjects include synthesis of natural products, asymmetric synthesis, biosynthesis, enzymatic reactions, solvolysis reactions, free radical chemistry, pericyclic processes, and photochemistry. The laboratory work consists of advanced techniques in organic synthesis and analysis, and involves a special project.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 52 or 58. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: SLA.
61. Basic Physical Chemistry I
05S, 06S: 11; Laboratory M or Th 2:00-6:00
An examination of the laws of classical thermodynamics, followed by applications to the properties of gases, liquids, and solids, as well as to solutions, phase, and chemical equilibria. Kinetic theory of gases at equilibrium. Laboratories cover physical chemistry techniques drawn from these areas. Students will normally elect either the Chemistry 61-62 sequence or the Chemistry 71-72 sequence. Chemistry 61 may not be selected in conjunction with either Chemistry 71 or Chemistry 72.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 6 (or 10) and Physics 13 (or 15, or Physics 3 and 4) and Mathematics 8, or permission of the instructor. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: SLA.
62. Basic Physical Chemistry II
04F, 05F: 12; Laboratory M or Th 2:00-6:00
Topics in chemical reaction kinetics and the application of quantum mechanics to chemical bonding and spectroscopy. Laboratories cover physical chemistry techniques drawn from these areas. Students will normally elect either the Chemistry 61-62 sequence or the Chemistry 71-72 sequence. Chemistry 62 may not be selected in conjunction with either Chemistry 71 or Chemistry 72.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 61 and Chemistry 64, or permission of the instructor. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: SLA.
63. Environmental Chemistry
05X: 9L; Laboratory Th 2:00-6:00
A study of the chemistry of current environmental problems and potential solutions. The course will deal with such topics as atmospheric chemistry, chemicals and cancer, and the chemistry of resource management. A few laboratory experiments emphasizing modern methods of instrumental analysis for substances in the environment will be included in the course.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 51 or 57, or permission of the instructor. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: TAS.
64. Basic Inorganic Chemistry
05W, 06W: 9; Laboratory W or Th 2:00-6:00
A study of bonding, structure, physical and chemical properties, and chemical reactions of inorganic compounds. Examples will be drawn from main group and transition metal compounds.
The laboratory will involve preparations of inorganic compounds which illustrate appropriate experimental techniques for syntheses and manipulations, and methods for characterization of inorganic compounds using instrumental methods.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 51 or 57, or permission of the instructor. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: SLA.
67. Physical Biochemistry
05W, 06W: 11; Laboratory: Arrange
Chemistry 67 covers the structural and chemical properties of proteins and nucleic acids, including ligand binding, enzymatic catalysis, the structural basis and functional significance of proteinnucleic acid recognition, and protein folding. The course also covers the application of physical and spectroscopic techniques, including X-ray crystallography, nuclear magnetic resonance, microscopy, fluorescence and circular dichroism, to the study of biological macromolecules. The laboratory introduces these experimental methods in the study of proteins.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 41, Chemistry 62 or 72, and Chemistry 52 or 58, or permission of the instructor. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: SLA.
71. Macroscopic Physical Chemistry
05W, 06W: 11; Laboratory M or Th 2:00-6:00
An examination of the fundamental laws of classical thermodynamics is followed by applications to the properties of gases, liquids, and solids, as well as to solutions, phase and chemical equilibria, surface phenomena and electrochemistry. The accompanying laboratory work in this course and that in Chemistry 72 and 73 is largely instrumental.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 6 (or 10), Mathematics 13, and Physics 13 (or 15, or Physics 3 and 4), or permission of the instructor. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: SLA.
72. Microscopic Physical Chemistry I
05S, 06S: 11; Laboratory M or Th 2:00-6:00
Kinetic theory of gases. Transport phenomena. Chemical kinetics: experimental and theoretical aspects of the study of the rates and mechanisms of chemical reactions. Quantum mechanics applied to atomic and molecular structure.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 64 and Chemistry 71, or permission of the instructor. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: SLA.
73. Microscopic Physical Chemistry II
04F, 05F: 11; Laboratory M or Th 2:00-6:00
Application of quantum theory to molecular spectroscopy. Introduction to statistical mechanics and chemical reaction dynamics.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 72, or permission of the instructor. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: SLA.
87. Undergraduate Investigation in Chemistry
All terms: Arrange
An original and individual investigation with associated literature study in one of the fields of chemistry under the supervision of a member of the staff. Students electing the course will carry out preliminary reading during the preceding term and normally participate in a weekly colloquium. Open to qualified majors, normally seniors, with permission of the Chair. The course may be elected more than once, but may be counted only once in satisfying the minimum major requirements. It may be elected for the last term in residence only if elected previously, or if the student has been doing research outside of this course.
Students electing the course write a report and take an oral examination at the end of the term in which they last elect the course.
Prerequisite: sufficient training in the area of chemistry to be investigated, and permission of the Chair. Chair and Staff of the Department.
102. Quantum Chemistry
Offered as needed
An introduction to the quantum mechanics of molecular systems. Approximate methods for calculating the electronic structure of molecules are discussed. Particular emphasis is placed on molecular orbital methods at the empirical, semi-empirical, and abinitio levels. Evaluation of such methods for studies of molecular geometry, conformational problems, thermochemical data, and spectroscopic parameters is presented. Other topics considered include the electronic structure of hydrogen bonded systems and of excited states. Methods which include the effects of electron correlation are briefly outlined.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 73 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.
104. Chemical Thermodynamics
Offered as needed
The laws of thermodynamics and their application to problems of equilibrium in various homogeneous and heterogeneous systems of chemical interest. Brief introduction to chemical aspects of non-equilibrium thermodynamics.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 71 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.
105. Statistical Thermodynamics
05W: Arrange
Elements of equilibrium statistical thermodynamics for classical and quantum mechanical systems, with applications to ideal gases, crystalline solids, imperfect gases and liquids.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 73 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor. Cantor.
106. Molecular Structure and Spectra
Offered as needed
A study of optical spectroscopy including selected topics from amongst point group theory, vibrational spectra of polyatomic molecules, electronic and vibronic spectra of molecules and rotational spectra. May be offered on tutorial basis.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 73 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.
107. Chemical Kinetics
Offered as needed
Kinetics of chemical reactions in various media; reaction rate expressions, mechanisms, elementary processes. Elementary theories of rate processes; activated complex theory, elementary collision theory, unimolecular decomposition. Such topics as diffusion control of reactions, catalysis, and photochemistry will be treated as time allows.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 72 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.
108. Chemistry of Macromolecules: Physical Properties and Characterization
Offered as needed
An introduction to the physical chemistry of macromolecules. Light scattering and other characterization techniques; thermodynamic and transport properties of macromolecular solutions. Structure-property correlations in amorphous and crystalline polymers.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 71, or Chemistry 61 and permission of the instructor.
109. Chemistry of Macromolecules: Synthesis and Characterization
04F: Arrange
An introduction to the chemistry of organic polymers. The basic classes of polymerization will be discussed, with attention to kinetic and mechanistic details. Special emphasis will be placed upon living polymerization techniques and their application toward architectural control. Additional content will include, as time permits, topics of current interest such as: polymers in organic synthesis, polymeric assemblies and biomimetic/bioconjugate polymers. For selected topics, key articles from the chemical literature will be discussed.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 52 or 58, or permission of the instructor. Grubbs.
122. Topics in Advanced Physical Chemistry
Offered as needed
Treatment at an advanced level of one or more areas of physical chemistry. The subject matter varies from year to year; accordingly, the course may be taken for credit more than once.
Offered on a tutorial basis to qualified students.
124. Analytical Chemistry and Inorganic Instrumental Analysis (Identical to Earth Sciences 124)
05F: Arrange Offered in alternate years
This course is directed towards graduate students planning to use inorganic chemical analysis in their thesis work. The lectures and seminars focus on the theory and application of modern instrumental analysis and analytical chemistry. The theoretical backgrounds for a number of inorganic instrumental analytical methods are given, and examples of their application to problems of interest for analytical chemists working in the fields of earth science, chemistry, biology and environmental science are presented. The lectures cover ion chromatography, electrochemistry, atomic absorption, inductively coupled plasma optical emission and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The theory and concepts of analytical chemistry are provided along with statistical tools, uncertainty calculations and data treatment methods useful in analytical chemistry.
Prerequisites: Chemistry 5 and Chemistry 6 or permission of instructor.
130. Organometallic Chemistry
05S: Arrange
A study of the structure, bonding, and chemical properties of organometallic compounds of the main group and transition elements. Applications to organic synthesis and homogeneous catalysis will be discussed, and organometallic compounds of the lanthanide and actinide elements may also be discussed.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 64, or permission of the instructor. Hughes.
131. Topics in Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
05F: Arrange Offered in alternate years
Treatment at an advanced level of one or more areas of inorganic chemistry. The subject matter varies from year to year and may include mechanisms of inorganic reactions, methods of structure analysis, chemical applications of group theory, and the chemistry of one or more elements or groups in the periodic table.
Offered on a tutorial basis to qualified students.
132. Inorganic Biochemistry (Identical to Biochemistry 132)
06S: Arrange Offered in alternate years
The role of metal ions in biological systems. Topics include metal ion transport, storage and interaction with proteins and nucleic acids; metalloproteins involved in oxygen transport and electron transfer; metalloenzymes involved in activation of oxygen and other substrates; and medicinal, toxicity and carcinogenicity aspects of metals; as well as inorganic model chemistry of bioinorganic systems. Several physical methods, including advanced spectroscopic techniques (EXAFS, Raman, ENDOR) are introduced and their application to current research on the above topics is considered.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 41 or Biology 77, and Chemistry 64, or permission of the instructor.
137. Methods of Materials Characterization (Identical to Physics 128 and Engineering Sciences 137)
05S: 2A Offered in alternate years
This survey course discusses both the physical principles and practical applications of the more common modern methods of materials characterization. It covers techniques of both microstructural analysis (OM, SEM, TEM, electron diffraction, XRD), and microchemical characterization (EDS, XPS, AES, SIMS, NMR, RBS and Raman spectroscopy), together with various scanning probe microscopy techniques (AFM, STM, EFM and MFM). Emphasis is placed on both the information that can be obtained together with the limitations of each technique. The course has a substantial laboratory component, including a project involving written and oral reports, and requires a term paper.
Prerequisite: Engineering Sciences 24, or permission of the instructor.
140. Chemistry Research Colloquia
All but summer terms: W 4:00-5:00 p.m., Th 10:30-noon
Colloquia presented to the Department of Chemistry by scientists and educators in the chemistry profession on Thursdays, and by graduate students and others conducting research in chemistry and allied fields on Wednesdays as needed. The course is required of all graduate students in chemistry in each term. The course is not open for credit to undergraduates. The staff.
141. Seminar in Organic Chemistry
All but summer terms: W 8:00-10:00 p.m.
Study and discussion of current areas of interest in organic chemistry. The format includes formal lectures, literature review sessions, and problem solving sessions. This course is required of all graduate students planning or performing research in organic chemistry in each term. The course is not open for credit to undergraduates. The staff.
151. Physical Organic Chemistry
04F: Arrange
Modern theories of organic reaction mechanisms, particularly the use of physical-chemical principles to predict the effect of changing reaction variables, especially reactant structures, on reactivity. The structure, stability, and reactivity of carbanions and carbocations, as well as SN1 and SN2 reactions, are discussed.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 59, or permission of the instructor. Gribble.
152. Advanced Organic Synthesis and Mechanisms
05S: Arrange
Consideration of organic chemical reactions at an advanced level. Current knowledge concerning synthetic methods, reaction mechanisms, reactive intermediates, conformational analysis, and biosynthesis are discussed in the context of modern organic chemistry.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 151, or permission of the instructor. Wright.
153. Chemistry of Natural Products
Offered as needed
A survey of the application of modern synthetic methods to the total synthesis of natural products. Coverage will include retrosynthetic analysis and synthetic planning and an overview of the preparation of a wide variety of important natural products. Emphasis will be placed on student problem-solving in the context of the synthesis of complex molecules.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 152, or permission of the instructor.
154. Molecular Orbital Concepts in Advanced Organic Chemistry
Offered as needed
Applications of molecular orbital theory to structural, spectroscopic, and reactivity problems in organic chemistry. A variety of approaches to approximate solutions of the Schrödinger equation for complex molecules will be discussed from a practical viewpoint. Among other topics, aromaticity, the theory of concerted reactions, and fundamentals of photochemistry will be considered.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 59 or 151, and Chemistry 73 or the equivalent, or permission of the instructor.
155. Enzyme Chemistry
Offered 04-05; consult department for schedule
Consideration of enzyme catalyzed reactions, focusing on the structural properties of proteins, model organic reactions, and the application of kinetic, thermodynamic, and spectroscopic methods to elucidate enzyme reaction mechanisms.
Offered on a tutorial basis to qualified students. Anderson, Spencer.
157. Topics in Advanced Organic Chemistry
Offered as needed
Treatment at an advanced level of one or more areas of organic chemistry. The subject matter may vary from offering to offering; accordingly, the course may be taken for credit more than once.
Offered on a tutorial basis to qualified students.
158. Spectrometric Analysis in Organic Chemistry
Offered as needed
An introduction to the theory underlying various spectrometric methods and examples of their application to problems which interest organic chemists. Infrared, Raman, ultraviolet/ visible, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy will be considered, with special emphasis on the last. Students will carry out computer-assisted analysis of complex static and dynamic NMR spectra. Other methods which may receive brief attention are electron paramagnetic resonance, photoelectron spectroscopy, optical rotatory dispersion/circular dichroism, and mass spectrometry.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 59 or 151, and Chemistry 73 or the equivalent, or permission of the instructor.
159. Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds
05W: Arrange
An introduction to the chemical, physical, and spectroscopic properties of heterocyclic compounds. Coverage will include reactions, synthesis, stereo-chemistry, and unusual rearrangements. Attention will also be given to natural product synthesis and to heterocycles of biological interest.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 59, or permission of the instructor. Gribble.
160. Structure-Based Drug Design
Offered as needed
Principles of drug design based on protein and nucleic acid structures will be covered including the chemical principles of protein/ligand interactions and an introduction to medicinal chemistry. Topics will also include the selection of a good drug design target and the techniques available to develop lead inhibitors. Students will examine protein/ligand (drug) and nucleic acid/ligand (drug) interactions through the literature and on graphics workstations to develop an intuition for what makes a good inhibitor. Pertinent examples will be studied extensively in class.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 52 or 58, Chemistry 41 or Biology 77, and Chemistry 67, or permission of the instructor.
161. Topics in Advanced Biophysical Chemistry
Offered 04-05; consult department for schedule
Treatment at an advanced level of one or more areas of biophysical chemistry. The subject matter varies from offering to offering; accordingly the course may be taken for credit more than once.
Offered on a tutorial basis to qualified students. Kull.
256. Graduate Instruction in Teaching
04F, 05F: Arrange
A course in the methodology and practice of chemistry teaching at the undergraduate college level. Topics such as laboratory supervision and safety, grading issues, special needs students, lecturing and tutoring techniques, exam preparation, and the teacher/student relationship will be discussed through readings, class discussions, and student presentations. This course is a prerequisite to the supervised undergraduate teaching requirement for the Ph.D. degree in chemistry.
Required of entering graduate students. This course is not open for credit to undergraduates. Milde, Veale.
257. Supervised Undergraduate Teaching in Chemistry
All terms: Arrange
Teaching in chemistry undergraduate courses under the supervision of a faculty member. Normally students enrolled in this course teach alongside faculty in undergraduate instructional laboratories. This course is open only to graduate students; it may be elected for credit more than once.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 256 or previous teaching experience in undergraduate chemistry courses. Chair and staff of the Department.
297. Graduate Investigation in Chemistry A
All terms: Arrange
An original and individual experimental or theoretical investigation beyond the undergraduate level in one of the fields of chemistry. This course is open only to graduate students; it may be elected for credit more than once. This course carries one course credit and should be elected by students conducting research and also electing two or more other graduate or undergraduate courses. Chair and staff of the Department.
298. Graduate Investigation in Chemistry B
All terms: Arrange
An original and individual experimental or theoretical investigation beyond the undergraduate level in one of the fields of chemistry. This course is open only to graduate students; it may be elected for credit more than once. This course carries two course credits and should be elected by students electing only departmental colloquia in addition to research. Chair and staff of the Department.
299. Graduate Investigation in Chemistry C
All terms: Arrange
An original and individual experimental or theoretical investigation beyond the undergraduate level in one of the fields of chemistry. This course is open only to graduate students; it may be elected for credit more than once. This course carries three course credits and should be elected by students conducting research exclusively in any one term. Chair and staff of the Department.