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College Charges


Tuition of eleven thousand ninety-nine dollars ($11,099) per term is charged each student for instruction, instructional facilities, and other services. Although this tuition charge covers the normal three-course load, students may, without permission or extra charge, elect a fourth course during each of three terms during their college career. An additional course will entail a supplementary charge of three thousand seven hundred dollars ($3,700). Students should consult the Student Handbook and pages 77 and 79 of this bulletin for details of the regulations concerning extra courses. Students taking a two-course load receive no reduction in tuition.

The Trustees believe that all Dartmouth students should appreciate that the tuition charge covers about one half of the cost to the College of each student's education at Dartmouth. For the remainder, he or she is the beneficiary of endowments received during the last two centuries from those who wish to support Dartmouth's kind of education, from current gifts, and especially from the very generous support of the Dartmouth Alumni Fund.

Tuition charges listed above apply to the fall, winter, and spring terms of the academic year 2006-2007. Charges for the summer term of 2007-2008 will be announced at a later date.

Students who must take reduced course loads because of severe documented, verified disabilities, and who consequently need to be enrolled at Dartmouth for more than the normal number of terms in order to graduate, may be eligible for reduced tuition. The tuition reduction is intended for students whose medical circumstances are unusually severe and/or chronic. Permission from the Registrar for reduced course load is not sufficient grounds for tuition reduction. Petitions must be approved prior to the beginning of the term for which tuition reduction is requested. If a disabled student who has been granted tuition reduction takes a normal course load, the student must repetition for reduced tuition. In some cases, eligibility may be reviewed if the medical condition improves significantly. For full information, inquiries should be sent to the Student Disabilities Coordinator, Academic Skills Center.


Students living in College residence halls are charged rents that vary depending on the quarters occupied. These rents average $1,965 per term for the 2006-2007 academic year. If College property is damaged, those found responsible are charged for the required repairs.

All students are required to purchase a nonrefundable, declining balance account (DBA). All first-year students will pay $1,200 for the fall term meal plan. For winter and spring terms, first-year students may change to one of the other two plans available for on-campus students.

On-campus students, excepting fall term first-year students, will choose from one of three plans:

(1) A $950 per term Declining Balance Account (DBA).

(2) A $1,200 per term DBA.

(3) A $1,500 per term DBA with a 10% discount on all dining purchases excluding Topside.

Additionally, Dining Services will offer to off campus students only a fourth option:

(4) A $600 per term DBA.

Any student not specifying a choice by the predetermined date will be given the plan they enrolled in the previous term.

Room and board charges are billed to students through their College account. Payment is due by the date indicated on the student account statement subject to a late charge if the payment deadline is not met. Please refer to regulations covering payment of student charges (page 106) for information regarding assessment of late charges.

Room and board charges listed above apply to the fall, winter, and spring terms of the academic year 2006-2007. Charges for the summer term of 2007 will be announced at a later date.


All first-year and transfer students are charged for the required purchase of a basic package of computing equipment to be used in their education, unless granted a waiver by the Director of Computing. Ownership of adequate computing equipment would justify such a waiver. Purchase of computing equipment in addition to the basic package is at the option of the student.


At the beginning of their first year students will be assessed a one-time charge of twenty dollars ($20). Funds collected from these charges will be made available to that class council over the four years that class will be in attendance at the College.


In their first term of enrollment each undergraduate will be assessed a one time document fee of $90. This fee will entitle the student to an unlimited number of official transcripts. Additionally, the fee will cover the opening of a credential file, sending of credential files, registration for on campus recruiting opportunities, vocational testing and interpretation, and various booklets in the Career Services Office. This fee covers the above services while in attendance at the college and post attendance it covers unlimited transcripts and the opening and sending of credential files.

The fee is not intended to cover the costs associated with mailing of rush orders. There may be fees associated with additional services provided by Career Services after graduation.


All undergraduate students are assessed a $68 Student Activities fee for each term in residence. Funds collected from these charges will be used to support the Student Assembly, other cocurricular organizations, and campus-wide cultural, educational, social, and athletic activities.


All students must purchase the Dartmouth Student Group Health Plan (DSGHP) unless granted a waiver by the Director, College Health Service. A nonrefundable annual fee of $1,528 will be billed to students (except those having a waiver). Optional plans are available at additional cost to provide insurance for dependents.


In limited circumstances supplemental fees may be assessed students enrolling in certain courses. Supplemental course fees must meet the standards detailed below to be processed on the student bill. Courses for which such fees will be levied will be identified in any course descriptions published in this Bulletin or its supplements.

Special course fees must be recommended to the Executive Vice President by the responsible faculty Dean, and generally will be approved only when the following three criteria are met:

1. The fee must be required of each member of the class,

2. The fee must be the same for each class member, and

3. The services or goods related to the fee must be warranted by special circumstances and not be readily available from local vendors.

Students will be notified of actual fee amounts no later than the first week of class.


The following miscellaneous fees and penalties are commonly applied:

A penalty of fifty dollars ($50) is imposed on any student who fails to check-in by the prescribed deadline at the opening of any term (page 79).

A processing fee of twenty-five dollars ($25) is charged for each term of transfer work (pages 87).

A separate charge will be assessed for late payment of any student account bill. Payment is due and payable not later than the due date indicated on the billing statement. If payment is not made by the specified due date a late charge equal to 1.5% of the amount payable will be assessed.

A charge of twenty-five dollars ($25) will be assessed when a personal check is offered in payment of charges on a student's account and the check is not honored.


Fines and penalty fees may be assessed to students for various rule infractions and violations of policy. With due notification penalty fees and fines may be charged to the student's Administrative Fees and Fines Account. Failure to pay such fines or penalties may prevent a student's registration or release of transcripts or a diploma.

The Executive Vice President shall review and in consultation with the Student Assembly and Graduate Student Council approve all student fines and penalty fees that may be assessed. Student fines shall be consistently applied within the Dartmouth Community and will be approved only when the following criteria are met:

The amount of the fine or assessment must be reasonably related to the costs and/or seriousness of the infraction or violation of policy.

Revenue realized from the assessment of penalty fees and fines will be recorded to a general revenue account of the College. Generally, such revenue may not accrue to the department that assesses the fine.

Administrative costs associated with assessing and posting fines, hearing appeals, and collecting payments can be substantial, accordingly, alternative means to ensure compliance with rules and regulations must be considered before a penalty fee or fine will be approved.

Once the Executive Vice President has approved a penalty fee or fine, the following requirements or procedures must be met:

All rule infractions and violations of policy which will result in the assessment of a fine or penalty fee, must be identified in the Student Handbook and appropriate College or departmental materials and mailings. Specific reference shall be made in the Student Handbook that fines and penalty fees may be appealed.

Departmental materials shall include the amount of the fine, a statement of purpose, the circumstances under which penalty fees or fines are assessed, and the consequences of noncompliance.

Departments must publicize in their materials and mailings or by other means that an appeals process exists for students or parents who believe that their individual circumstances warrant an exception to assessment of the penalty fee or fine. Specific information should be available in connection with the handling of appeals and appeals must be heard and resolved within a timely manner.

Students who commit rule infractions subject to a fine or penalty must be notified that a violation has occurred and that a charge is being assessed. If a fine is caused by the student's failure to meet a published deadline, notification of the fee is not required.

Fines and penalty assessments must be submitted to the Dartmouth Card Office within 30 days of the date the violation has been confirmed. Fees and fines may not be charged to a student's administrative account once the 30-day period has lapsed or the student is no longer enrolled because of graduation or withdrawal from the College. In cases where fees are assessed to reimburse the College for actual costs of damages, fines must be submitted to the Dartmouth Card Office as soon as possible after final costs have been determined, but no longer than 30 days. Note: departments and offices may not receive or deposit direct payments from students for fines or penalty fees. They must be submitted to the Dartmouth Card Office.

If it is determined that a fine has been assessed incorrectly or waiver of the penalty fee has been approved as a result of the appeals process, the appropriate credit must be expeditiously applied to the student's Administrative Fees and Fines account.


Students who change their enrollment patterns for a particular term less than five weeks from the start of the previous term create significant problems within the College. After careful consideration, the following regulations have been adopted. The charges imposed partially compensate the College for the very real costs connected with late changes.

1. Normally the final date for changing the pattern letter for any term shall be five weeks from the start of the preceding term. Any student who changes after that date from an 'R' (Resident Enrollment) will be charged one hundred dollars ($100).

A student may petition for waiver of the charges via the Office of the Registrar in the case of extenuating circumstances. Such is normally granted only in instances where the extenuating circumstances could not have been anticipated prior to the deadlines, and were beyond the control of the student.

2. Any student who fails to check-in for a term, while still maintaining an 'R' through the end of the ten-day period designated for late registration, will be charged two hundred dollars ($200).


Billing statements for tuition, room, and board are mailed approximately six weeks before the beginning of each term. Payment is due 25 days after mailing of the bill; the exact date will be indicated on the statement. If payment is not made by the specified due date, a late charge equal to 1.5% of the amount payable will be assessed.

No student will be permitted to enroll for any term unless the total amount due, including tuition, room rent, and applicable board charges has been paid in full.

The flexibility of the Dartmouth Plan makes it possible for an upperclass student, through a change in term patterns, to incur a tuition charge or other charges after statements have been mailed. In such instances, since tuition, room charges, and dining plan charges are fixed or determined prior to the start of the term, the student must pay these charges by the payment deadline established even though a statement reflecting the charges may not have been received.

All students enrolled at the College have an account in their name through which tuition, room and board, and other costs of attendance are billed. Periodic billing statements reflecting charges and credits posted to this account are mailed directly to the student's home address. If it is required or preferable that the bill be mailed to an alternate address, a written request for change of the billing address should be sent to the Student Financial Services Office.

Financial aid awards which have been confirmed and documented, but not posted to the student's bill, can be considered as anticipated credits in calculating the balance due. All necessary steps for processing such awards must be met before they will be accepted as deductions.

No transcript of a student's record will be issued until all College bills have been paid, nor will a senior receive a diploma until all College and community financial commitments have been met. In instances where a student's account becomes delinquent through flagrant neglect, the student may be subject to disciplinary action. In such cases no credit will be allowed for the work of terms to which the unpaid charges relate until all overdue charges are paid in full.

In those instances where a personal check is offered in payment of charges on a student's account and the check is not honored, a charge of twenty-five dollars ($25) will be assessed. If the returned check was the means of meeting a payment or registration deadline, the deadline will not be considered met and the appropriate penalties relating to failure to meet the deadline may be assessed. The College reserves the right to demand payment by money order, certified check, or other mode of payment acceptable to the College in instances of repeated offenders. Additionally, flagrant or habitual offenders may be subject to disciplinary action.


The Dartmouth Monthly Payment Plan, administered by Academic Management Services, provides students and their families the means to pay all or part of their expenses in ten interest-free installments. There is a $60 annual enrollment fee, which includes life insurance for the bill payer. The plan begins with the June 1 payment, and families should enroll prior to June 1 in order to meet the College's payment schedule. The enrollment deadline is August 31, 2006.


The College policy on refunds for students withdrawing from the College, whether voluntarily or by dismissal, is set forth below.

Tuition: Refunds for students who withdraw after tuition has been paid, but prior to registration and the first day of classes, will be 100 percent of tuition. After the beginning of classes, refunds will be calculated as follows: a refund of 90 percent for withdrawal during the first week of the term, a refund of 75 percent for withdrawal during the second and third weeks of the term, a refund of 50 percent for withdrawal during the fourth week of the term, and a refund of 25 percent for withdrawal during the fifth week of the term. No refund will be made after the fifth week of the term.

Board: Refund shall be calculated on a pro rata basis for any student who withdraws voluntarily or who is dismissed from the College during the term.

Residence Hall Room Rents: The policy for residence hall room rent is identical to the tuition refund policy: 100% before classes begin; 90% during the first week; 75% during the second and third weeks; 50% during the fourth week; and 25% during the fifth week. There is no refund after the fifth week. This policy applies to all dormitory rooms and to room rents in College-owned fraternities and organizations. The effective date for the room rent refund will be the date upon which the student vacates the room and returns the room key.

Other Charges: Charges for computing equipment and for the Dartmouth Student Group Health Plan are nonrefundable. Other miscellaneous fees and charges, including student activity fees and class dues, are nonrefundable if the student withdraws after registration and the first day of classes.

The only exception to this policy will be for students receiving Title IV, HEA federal financial aid who are attending Dartmouth for the first time and who withdraw on or before the 60 percent point in time of their first term of enrollment. Refunds for these students will be calculated using the pro rata refund formula prescribed for these particular students by federal regulations. Please consult with your Financial Aid Office for particulars and examples.

In the case of a withdrawing student receiving Dartmouth scholarship assistance or federal financial aid, the share of the refund returned to the student or family is dependent upon a number of factors. The amount of scholarship retained and/or the amount of repayment due to federal programs must be calculated in accordance with applicable regulations and formulas. Please consult with your Financial Aid Office for particulars and examples.

Refunds, scholarship adjustments and repayments of federal funds are recorded to the student's account. All requests for student account refunds shall be submitted in writing to the Student Financial Services Office, and any balance due the student upon the making of such adjustments shall be paid to the student within 30 days.

In any instance where it is felt that individual circumstances may warrant exception to the Refund Policy, the student may appeal in writing to the Controller.

NOTE: For complete information regarding student life, and appropriate regulations, consult the Student Handbook.