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Studio Art

Chair: Colleen M. Randall

Professors B. F. Moss, C. M. Randall, P. E. Thompson; Associate Professors B. J. Garand, L. E. Hamlin; Senior Lecturer B. D. Miller; Lecturers S. K. Amos, G. D. Auten, V. C. Beahan, C. Drabkin, T. Ferrara, P. Hluchan, K. Kawiaka, E. M. Riley; Visiting Associate Professors J. Bohary, D. E. Kahn; Visiting Assistant Professor S. J. Walp; Adjunct Assistant Professors J. K. Lee, J. D. Wilson.

The Department of Studio Art offers all undergraduates the opportunity to take courses in Studio Art. Individual courses are open to all undergraduates as well as to those candidates for the major as outlined.


Through endowments established in 1962, artists have resided at Dartmouth throughout the year. These professionals are actively involved in the making of their art on campus. They lecture on their work in and outside of the classroom and respond to student work on an individual and group basis.


Each term professional artists lecture on their work and critique student work. Such visits are intended to present a serious model of involvement within the discipline. There can be as many as four visiting critics a term. Attendance at the presentation of visiting artists is required of all students enrolled in a Studio Art course.


All courses are limited in size. Pre-enrollment via computerized registration is encouraged. After pre-enrollment, waiting lists for filled courses will be kept in the Studio Art Office.

Studio Art courses are open only to Dartmouth students who are enrolled full time in the College. This enrollment includes special undergraduates at Dartmouth on the Twelve-College Exchange. No Studio Art course may be audited.


The Studio Art major consists of 12 courses. The Department offers courses in architecture, drawing, painting, photography, printmaking and sculpture. Drawing I is prerequisite to all courses in architecture, painting, photography, and print-making, and to upper level drawing and sculpture courses.

Since class size is limited and enrollments are heavy, Drawing I should be completed as early as possible.

Additional requirements for the major: Studio Art 16, Studio Art 20, Studio Art 25, Studio Art 76, Studio Art 77, two Art History courses, and four of the following: Studio Art 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 65, 66, 68, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75 or 90.

Studio Art 76 and 77 serve as the culminating activity in the major. Students are strongly encouraged to complete at least 3 course levels in one area of focus before taking the senior seminar. The senior seminar work will be evaluated by the Studio Art Department faculty and outside examiners. Participation in a senior exhibition is a required part of the major.


Seven courses in Studio Art, with Studio Art 15, 16 and 25 required. Four additional courses, two of which must be in any one of the following six areas: architecture, drawing, painting, photography, printmaking, or sculpture.


The Honors Program consists of a two-term course of study, completed in the class context of Senior Seminar I and II. To be eligible for the Honors Program, a student must have achieved by the end of the junior year a 3.0 general college average and a 3.4 average in all Studio Art Major courses. At least two terms of drawing are required prior to entrance into the Honors Program, and at least three terms of an area of study in drawing, painting, printmaking, or sculpture (e.g., Sculpture I, Sculpture II, and Sculpture III) must be completed prior to entrance into the Honors Program. In addition, students must submit a typed proposal outlining their Honors project, together with a minimum of 10 pieces of their work. All Studio Art junior majors will be notified in writing of the deadlines for submission of this proposal.


Transfer credit is considered for Studio Art majors with junior standing. Application for prior approval must be made by the first day of the Dartmouth term immediately preceding the first day of the intended transfer term. Prior to enrolling, discussion of the nature, content, and reason for taking the course should occur with the major advisor or Chair of the Department. The Department requires a portfolio review upon completion of the course. No more than two courses can be substituted for those required for the major.

15. Drawing I

04F, 05W, 05S, 05X, 05F, 06W, 06S: 10A, 2A

An introductory course for the major and non-major stressing technical means, media, composition, and pictorial organization. Special emphasis given to the formal elements and an understanding of figurative and non-figurative resolutions.

Enrollment limited. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: ART. Moss, Randall, Hamlin, Associates.

16. Sculpture I

04F, 05W: 10A, 2A 05S: 2A 05X: 10A 05F, 06W: 10A, 2A 06S: 2A

This course will focus on the development of sculptural concepts and the exploration of a variety of materials. An individual approach to creative problem-solving will be emphasized. Supplemental course fee required.

Enrollment limited. Dist: ART. Garand, Lee, Associates.

20. Drawing II

05W, 05S, 05X, 06W, 06S: 2A

An intermediate level course amplifying and expanding upon the formal and expressive aspects of drawing.

Enrollment limited. Prerequisite: Studio Art 15. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: ART. Associates.

21. Sculpture II

04F: 2A 05S: 10A 05F, 06W: 2A 06S: 10A

This course is a continuation of Sculpture I. An in-depth approach will be offered as well as encouragement of individual growth.

Enrollment limited. Prerequisites: Studio Art 15 and 16. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: ART. Garand.

22. Figure Drawing

04F, 05F: 2A

A course based on drawing the human form. Most work will be done from direct observation. Attention will be paid to issues of mark, light, volume, space, and composition. Students will consider the complex relationship of perception, invention, and visual structure in the context of working from the figure.

Enrollment limited. Prerequisite: Studio Art 15. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: ART. Auten.

23. Figure Sculpture

05W: 2A Offered in alternate years

Sculpture through direct observation and learning to translate perceived form into sculptural form using the figure as subject is the emphasis of this class. Clay as an additive process will be explored.

Enrollment limited. Prerequisites: Studio Art 15 and 16. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: ART. Lee.

25. Painting I

04F, 05W, 05S, 05X, 05F, 06W, 06S: 2A

A basic course in oil and related media. Working from monochromatic statements to color, the direct and indirect process of paint application is addressed as well as other technical considerations. The still life as it relates to formal language is the basis for studio problems.

Enrollment limited. Prerequisite: Studio Art 15. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: ART. Randall, Thompson, Associates.

26. Printmaking I—Lithography

04F, 05F: 10A

An introduction to lithographic techniques. Class sessions will consist of demonstrations, critiques, individual instruction, work periods, museum visits and/or presentations of accomplishments in the medium. Enrollment limited. Prerequisite: Studio Art 15. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: ART. Associates.

27. Printmaking I—Intaglio

04F, 05W, 05S, 05X, 05F, 06W: 10A

An introduction to intaglio (drypoint and etching) techniques, with possible inclusion of monotype and/or relief (woodcut, lino cut, collograph). Class sessions will consist of demonstrations, critiques, individual instruction, work periods, museum visits and/or presentations of accomplishments in the media. Enrollment limited. Prerequisite: Studio Art 15. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: ART. Hamlin, Associates.

28. Printmaking II

04F, 05W, 05S, 05X, 05F, 06W, 06S: 10A

An intensive studio exploration of intermediate printmaking processes in monotype, intaglio, relief, or lithography. Color printing and various other techniques will be taught. Enrollment limited. Prerequisite: Studio Art 26 or Studio Art 27. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: ART. Hamlin, Associates.

29. Photography I

04F, 05W: 2A 05S: 10A 05X, 05F, 06W: 2A 06S: 10A

An introductory course concentrating on the fundamentals of operating and understanding a camera: black and white film processing and printmaking techniques, and the use of the camera as a tool of creative expression. Assignments in landscape, portraiture, and still life will be used to introduce a broad range of photographic problems.

Enrollment limited. Prerequisite: Studio Art 15. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: ART. Beahan, Miller.

30. Photography II

04F: 10A 05S: 2A 05F: 10A 06S: 2A

An intermediate course of wideranging assignments in black and white including architecture, portraiture, landscape, and still life as subject matter. Class problems will cover printing papers, negative contrast controls, toning, and other techniques of darkroom work.

Enrollment limited. Prerequisite: Studio Art 29. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: ART. Miller, Beahan,

31. Painting II

04F, 05W, 05S, 05X, 05F, 06W, 06S: 10A

A continuation of Basic Painting with a more concentrated investigation of the complex nature of color and a wider exposure to visual and aesthetic problems.

Enrollment limited. Prerequisite: Studio Art 25. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: ART. Moss, Associates.

65. Architecture I

04F: 10A 05W: 2A 05F: 10A 06W: 2A

A disciplined development of skills needed to communicate architectural ideas. The course will concentrate on developing the students’ ability to translate thoughts on architecture into two-dimensional and three-dimensional expressions. Problems will involve free-hand drawing, the use of architectural drafting tools, and model-making. Along with more traditional media, the computer will also be discussed as a design tool. Included will be observation and analysis of existing buildings and exercises in the exploration of architectural ideas.

Enrollment limited. Prerequisite: Studio Art 15. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: ART. Kawiaka.

66. Architecture II

04F, 05S, 05F, 06S: 2A

Beginning a comprehensive approach to the expression of architectural ideas, students will explore the manipulation of space, light, and time in the creation of architecture. Problems will be undertaken to encourage experimentation with architectural vocabulary and language as expressed through drawings and models. Contextual, cultural, economic, and technological conditions will be discussed in relationship to designs. Review of student work will take the form of presentations made to the class and several guest critics.

Enrollment limited. Prerequisite: Studio Art 65. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: ART. Kawiaka, Wilson.

68. Architecture III

04F, 05S, 05F, 06S: 2A

As an extension of Intermediate Architecture, this course will offer advanced students the opportunity to explore architectural design issues in more depth. Students will use analytical and expressive skills developed in previous coursework to undertake more complex and thorough investigations in architecture.

Enrollment limited. Prerequisite: Studio Art 66. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: ART. Kawiaka, Wilson.

71 through 92. Advanced Work in Studio Art

Creative work at an advanced level for students with proper prerequisites and demonstrated ability.

71. Drawing III

05W, 05S, 05X, 06W, 06S: 2A

Special attention will be given to the search for a personal voice within a drawing medium. Students will be assisted in structuring their own problems leading to a fuller awareness of drawing as an end in itself and as a means for developing a given visual issue within a serial format. Can be repeated for credit.

Enrollment limited. Prerequisite: Studio Art 20. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: ART. Associates.

72. Painting III

04F, 05W, 05S, 05X, 05F, 06W, 06S: 10A

Advanced problems in paint with emphasis on sustaining independent work and the development of a professional attitude and personal language. Can be repeated for credit.

Enrollment limited. Prerequisite: Studio Art 31. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: ART. Moss, Associates.

73. Sculpture III

04F: 2A 05S: 10A 05F, 06W: 2A 06S: 10A

Advanced problems in sculpture, with emphasis on the development of a personal language. Can be repeated for credit.

Enrollment limited. Prerequisite: Studio Art 21. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: ART. Garand.

74. Printmaking III

04F, 05W, 05S, 05X, 05F, 06W, 06S: 10A

A course designed to allow the student to explore her/his own area of printmaking specialization intensively in both subject and technique. The student will be assisted in the application of advanced printmaking methods to the development of a personal voice. Can be repeated for credit.

Enrollment limited. Prerequisite: Studio Art 28. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: ART. Hamlin, Associates.

75. Photography III

04F: 10A 05S: 2A 05F: 10A 06S: 2A

A single problem will constitute the term’s work. The student will have the opportunity to concentrate on one subject, to investigate new techniques of photographic craft, and to employ the camera as a means toward the making of a personal, creative statement. Can be repeated for credit.

Enrollment limited. Prerequisite: Studio Art 30. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: ART. Miller, Beahan

76. Senior Seminar I

05W, 06W: 10A, 2A

The first half of the two-term culminating experience in Studio Art. The seminar is devoted to developing critical skills and a body of work predicated upon a student’s ability to conceive, structure, sustain, and resolve an individual course of study in painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, photography, or architecture. Work will be reviewed by the faculty and an outside examiner.

Supplemental course fee required. Dist: ART. Miller, Associates.

77. Senior Seminar II

05S, 06S: 10A, 2A

A continuation of Studio Art 76, with the additional expectation that each student will present at the conclusion of the term the body of work which will be his/her thesis. The thesis must be judged by the Studio Art faculty to be technically and aesthetically sound. From this work a selection will be made for the senior exhibition. Continuous individual and group critiques will be given of student work by the principal instructor, Department faculty, and visiting artists.

Prerequisites: Studio Art 76. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: ART. Garand, Kawiaka.

90. Independent Study

All terms: Arrange

Students who have completed all levels of instruction within a given area may propose and carry out an independent project in that area. This project must be supported and supervised by a faculty member. The project proposal must be submitted in writing and approved by the Chair. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: ART. The staff.

91-92. Honors

All terms: Arrange

The Honors Program consists of a two-term course of study, completed in the class context of Senior Seminar I and II.

Prerequisite: Consult the description of the Studio Art Honors Program. Supplemental course fee required. Dist: ART. The staff.