1. War and Peace Since 1900
05S: 10
War and resistance to war have been linked since the late nineteenth century. This course explores the changing character of war and the unprecedented growth of a world peace movement since 1900. Readings and discussion form a sustained inquiry into issues including war and human nature, military cultures, peace traditions, types of warfare, the organization of anti-war movements, the laws of war, and efforts to eliminate the causes of war. Dist: INT. Class of 2007 and earlier: WCult: EU or NA. Class of 2008 and later: WCult: W. Edsforth.
5. From Pole to Pole: An Introduction to the Earth’s Cold Regions (Identical to Environmental Studies 5)
05S, 06S: 10
The high northern and southern latitudes of the earth share an extreme climate, but are vastly different in their histories, ecological systems and human cultures. Polar regions are increasingly under threat from climate change, resource extraction, and the loss of indigenous cultures. This course introduces the major physical, ecological and human systems of high latitudes, including the circumpolar northern Arctic regions and the continent of Antarctica and its southern oceans. Using an interdisciplinary perspective the course examines the science, societies, politics and policies that shape our viewpoint of cold regions. The connections of the polar regions to global processes and international issues will be emphasized. Dist: SOC. Virginia.
10. Data Collection and Analysis in the Social Sciences
06W: 11
This course concerns methods of data collection and analysis in the social sciences. Issues of measurement and sampling will be considered, as will the visual representation of quantitative information. Both descriptive and inferential statistics will be covered, with an emphasis on problem recognition and the correct interpretation of statistical results. Experimental design and threats to internal validity will also be discussed. The course includes lectures, discussions, and an independent project.
Prerequisite: Introductory course in a social science, or permission of the instructor. Because of the large overlap in material covered, no student may receive credit for more than one of the courses Biology 9, Economics 10, Geography 10, Government 10, Mathematics 10, Mathematics and Social Sciences 15 or 45, Psychology 10, Social Science 10, or Sociology 10 except by special petition. Dist: QDS. Pfister.