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Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Literatures Requirements

Chair: José M. del Pino

Professors R. Bueno-Chávez, J. M. del Pino, B. Pastor, S. D. Spitta; Associate Professors R. E. Biron, R. A. Franconi, I. Lozano-Renieblas, A. Martín, I. Reyes, M. Swislocki; Assistant Professors J. Aguado, F. M. A’ness, A. Gómez, A. Merino, A. Sokol, P. A. Sprague; Research Assistant Professor E. A. Polli; Senior Lecturers G. S. Guzmán-Bueno, D. J. Moody, G. M. Pushee, D. M. Runnels, M. E. A. Vélez; Lecturers P. Asensio, R. M. Matorras, I. Saucedo; Visiting Professors J. Gracia, J. M. Merino, I. Soler Quintana.


Four major options in Spanish and Portuguese are available to the student, as well as a major in Romance Languages and a Modified Major. In addition, the Department offers minors in Spanish and Portuguese.

The program in Spanish and Portuguese is not designed exclusively for students who plan to pursue the study of language and literature. It is intended also for those with a cultural, social, political, or economic interest in Spain, Portugal, or Latin America, and for students whose interests or future careers will make it necessary for them—as lawyers, politicians, social workers, doctors, etc.—to know, understand, and interact with the growing Hispanic population of the United States. The range of options offered by the Department reflects that diversity of purpose and attempts to satisfy a wide variety of interests and career goals.

The individual program within the major selected is designed in consultation with a faculty adviser. Major programs usually include at least one term of study in a Dartmouth Foreign Study Program in Spain or Latin America (two of the Foreign Study Program courses count towards the major; for more information see ‘Foreign Study’ below). All major cards must be signed by the Major Advisor of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese.

All Majors and Modified Majors (including Romance Language majors with the primary language as Spanish or Portuguese) are required to enroll in Spanish 80 (Latin American Literature/Culture Seminar) and/or Spanish 81 (Peninsular Literature/Culture Seminar) during their junior and/or senior year, in fulfillment of the College requirement for a Culminating Experience in the Major. While only one seminar is required of all Spanish majors, the Department encourages students to enroll in both whenever possible. Romance Language majors with Portuguese as the primary language are required to enroll in Portuguese 80 during their junior or senior year. These seminars are viewed as an opportunity for students in the different major options to develop their research skills, study given topics in detail, and develop solid critical and analytical skills. Topics and methodological approaches will vary from offering to offering, and students are expected to develop a complex independent research project in each seminar.

1. Major Options in Spanish and Portuguese

There are four options open to the student who elects to major in Spanish: A. Literatures; B. Language, Culture and Society; C. Latino Studies; D. Iberian Studies.

A. Literatures.

1. Peninsular Literature

Prerequisite: Spanish 1, 2, 3, and 9, and 20 if participating in the Foreign Study Program in Spain.

The major program in Spanish Literature consists of at least 8 courses numbered 30 or higher. Each individual major program must include Spanish 37, two of the 30, 31, 32 sequence, and Spanish 56. One of the 8 courses must be Spanish 65 or another upper level course in Latin American Literature. The individual major program may be organized around a period, like the Twentieth Century, a genre like poetry or an aesthetic movement, like the Baroque. A major program in Spanish Literature should ideally include a Foreign Study Program in Spain. Special note: Spanish 36 (FSP Spain) is considered equivalent to Spanish 32 for purposes of major requirements, but both can be taken for major credit.

2. Latin American Literatures

Prerequisite: Spanish 1, 2, 3, and 9, and 21 if participating in the Foreign Study Program in Latin America.

The major program in Latin American Literatures consists of at least 8 courses numbered 30 or higher. Each individual major program must include Spanish 37, two of the 30, 31 and 32 sequence, and Spanish 65. One of the 8 courses must be Spanish 56 or another upper level course in Peninsular literature. The individual major program may be organized around a period like the 20th century; a genre like the novel; or an aesthetic movement like Modernismo. A major program in Latin American Literatures should ideally include a Foreign Study Program in Latin America. Special note: Spanish 35 (FSP Latin America) is considered equivalent to Spanish 32 for purposes of major requirements, but both can be taken for major credit.

B. Language, Culture, and Society.

Prerequisite: Spanish 1, 2, 3, 9 and, if participating in a Foreign Study Program, Spanish 20 (Madrid) or Spanish 21 (Buenos Aires).

This major option consists of at least eight courses numbered 30 or higher. Each major program must include Spanish 37, and one of Spanish 30, 31, 32. Spanish 40 is strongly recommended.

Special note: Spanish 35 (F.S.P. Argentina) and Spanish 36 (F.S.P. Spain) are considered to be equivalent to Spanish 32 for purposes of major requirements, but all three can be taken for major credit. The remaining major courses will be selected in consultation with the faculty adviser, incorporating into a coherent program the Department’s offerings in Hispanic literatures and cultures. Major pro grams in this option should ideally strive for a balance between Peninsular Spanish, Latin American, and United States Latino offerings, and should include at least one Foreign Study Program, in Spain or Latin America and, preferably, both.

C. Latino Studies.

Prerequisite: Spanish 1, 2, 3, 9 or 37. Spanish 8 for bilingual students will be taught one term per year, and may be elected to satisfy the prerequisite. If Spanish 37 is elected as a prerequisite the major will have a minimum of ten courses.

This major option consists of a minimum of nine courses numbered 30 or higher (ten, if 37 is elected as a prerequisite). Requirements include participation in either F.S.P. Argentina (Spanish 33 and 35) or the U.C.S.D. Exchange Program (two courses to be approved beforehand), and either History 88 or Sociology 31 or LACS 30, 34, or 35. In addition, every Latino Studies major must include three courses from each of the following areas: A. Latino literature (Spanish 75, 77, 78, 79); B. Latin American literature (Spanish 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 76). Two appropriate courses from UCSD may be used in place of two courses from either list A or B. Major courses will be selected in consultation with the faculty adviser.

D. Iberian Studies.

Prerequisite: Spanish 1, 2, 3; and Portuguese 1 and 3, or equivalent preparation in another Peninsular language (i.e., Catalan, Galician, Basque). Spanish 9, 37, and 20. Portuguese 20 is strongly recommended.

This major option will consist of a minimum of ten courses beyond the prerequisites, numbered 30 or higher. Requirements include participation in either F.S.P. Madrid (Spanish 34 and 36) or an equivalent approved program in Portugal, and History 45 or 46 (with term paper on Iberian Peninsula). Every Iberian Studies major program must include Spanish 56 and four courses in Peninsular literature (at least one in Portuguese) selected from the following: Spanish 30, 40, 50-64 and 81; Portuguese 60-63, 80 (when Portugal) and 87. In addition, students should take one course each selected from offerings in the following two groups: A. Latin American/U.S. Latino/Brazilian literature; B. Comparative Literature or Art History courses with an Iberian component. Courses for the major will be selected in consultation with the faculty adviser.

2. Major in Romance Languages.

Includes two of the four principal Romance Languages (Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Italian), one as primary, the other as secondary. The prerequisite for all major-level courses in Spanish is Spanish 9. The prerequisite for all major-level courses in Portuguese is Portuguese 10 or 20.

Requirements: Ten courses, six in the primary language and four in the secondary. If Spanish is the primary language, the six courses must be elected from Spanish 30 or above and must include Spanish 37, and at least one of Spanish 30, 31, and 32. If Spanish is the secondary language, Spanish 37 serves as the prerequisite; four required courses (not including 37) will be elected from Spanish 30 or above. If Portuguese is the primary language, the six courses, excluding the prerequisite, must be elected from Portuguese 10, 12, 20, 35, 36, 60, 61, 62, 63, 80, and 87. If Portuguese is the secondary language, Portuguese 10 or 20 serve as the prerequisite; four courses, excluding the prerequisite, must be elected from Portuguese 10, 12, 20, 35, 36, 60, 61, 62, 63, 80, and 87.

In a Romance Languages Major, courses in the secondary language may be organized historically, around a genre (like poetry, drama, or prose fiction), or around a period concept or movement (such as the Enlightenment, baroque, classicism and romanticism, or existentialism). The modifying component must have some coherence with the major department plan. The major card must be approved by the Major Adviser for the department of the primary language and will be filed with that department.

3. Modified Major.

For a Spanish modified major the student is required to take ten courses. Six of these shall be elected from Spanish and Portuguese and the remaining four from appropriate major-level courses offered by other departments. Modified majors must include Spanish 37 and at least one of Spanish 30, 31, and 32. (The prerequisite for all major-level courses in Spanish is Spanish 9.) The major program must be approved by the Major Adviser for the Department of Spanish and Portuguese.

Foreign Study: Major programs normally include one or more terms of study abroad, in one of the Dartmouth programs in Spain or Argentina. Three course credits are awarded for successful completion of a foreign study term. Two of these credits are applicable by students majoring in Spanish to the major requirements. All three credits are potentially applicable to the Distributive Requirement by students majoring elsewhere.


The Spanish and Portuguese Department offers three options for a Minor program as follows:

1. Spanish Literature

Prerequisites: Spanish 9 and Spanish 37

Four additional courses, which may be selected, upon consultation with the Department Adviser, from among Spanish 30, 31, 32, 34 and 36 (F.S.P. Spain), 40, 50 through 64, and 81, and 87.

2. Latin American and U.S. Hispanic Literatures

Prerequisites: Spanish 9 and Spanish 37

Four additional courses, which may be selected, upon consultation with the Department Adviser, from among Spanish 30, 31, 32, 33 and 35 (F.S.P. Argentina), 40, and 65 through 80, and 87.

3. Portuguese and Brazilian Literatures

Prerequisite: Portuguese 10 (D.L.S.A.+) or Portuguese 20

Five additional courses, excluding the prerequisite, which may be selected, upon consultation with the Department Adviser, from Portuguese 10, 12, 20, 35, 36, 60, 61, 62, 63, 80, and 87.

Students who elect a Foreign Study Program will need Spanish 20 (for Spain) or Spanish 21 (for Argentina) as prerequisites.


Only upon its approval will the Department of Spanish and Portuguese allow for a maximum of two transfer credits from comparable institutions. The Department does not give transfer credit for Spanish 1, 2, or 3 or Portuguese 1 or 3.


To be admitted to the Honors Program, a student must satisfy the minimum College requirement and give clear evidence of exceptional ability and interest in the major field. The Honors Seminar (Spanish 90 and 91) constitutes two courses above the minimum course requirement in the major. Honors students arrange a program of study and research during any two terms of the senior year on a tutorial basis with individual faculty members. Application to the Honors Program is normally made during the final (spring) term of the junior year. For additional information about admission to the Honors Program, consult the Major Advisor.


Spanish L.S.A. Fall, Winter, Spring: Barcelona, Spain

Winter, Spring: Puebla, Mexico

Prerequisite: Minimum grade of B– in Spanish 2, or equivalent preparation; acceptance into the program.

A student may choose to satisfy the language requirement through a combination of two preparatory courses at Dartmouth and one term of L.S.A. The preparatory courses must be taken within six months of departure. Students who have not had Spanish at Dartmouth or who have had Spanish 2 more than six months before departure must attend a Special Drill (non-credit) designed to prepare them for the program. Students who have fulfilled the language requirement are not eligible for the L.S.A.

Upon successful completion of the program, credit will be awarded for Spanish 3, 5, and 6. Course 3 completes the language requirement.

Students will be accepted on the basis of their application forms and letters of reference; actual participation in the program is contingent upon the maintenance of satisfactory academic standing, satisfactory participation in the Special Drill (for those who must take it), and compliance with orientation procedures.

For application and deadline information, consult the Off-Campus Programs Office in 44 N. College Street.

Portuguese L.S.A.-Plus Fall: Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

Prerequisite: Minimum grade of B– in Portuguese 3, or equivalent preparation; acceptance into the program.

The LSA-Plus is a program designed for students who have satisfied the language requirement and are prepared for a more advanced language study abroad experience. Students who have had Portuguese 3 or its equivalent more than 6 months before departure must attend Special Drill (non-credit) during the term prior to the program.

Upon successful completion of the program, credit will be awarded for Portuguese 8, 10, and 12. Portuguese 8 and 12 offer credit toward the minor in Portuguese. Portuguese 12 also serves as the prerequisite for the FSP Brazil.

Students will be accepted on the basis of their application forms, letters of reference, and an interview; actual participation in the program is contingent upon the maintenance of satisfactory academic standing, satisfactory participation in drill (for those who must take it), and compliance with orientation procedures.

For application and deadline information, consult the Off-Campus Programs Office in 44 N. College Street.


Spanish F.S.P. Fall: Madrid, Spain

Spring: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Prerequisite: Acceptance into the program, plus a minimum grade of B– in Spanish 20: Madrid or Spanish 21: Buenos Aires. (The prerequisite should be taken the term prior to FSP); or satisfactory completion of the LSA program in Mexico or Spain during the term immediately preceding the Foreign Study term.

Students live with families for one term in Argentina or Spain. Special Dartmouth courses, taught by local faculty and by the accompanying Dartmouth faculty member, are offered in advanced grammar and stylistics, literature, art, and civilization. Demonstration of the importance of the program to the student’s overall academic program at Dartmouth is an important factor considered for acceptance.

Upon successful completion of the program, credit will be awarded for three courses (Argentina—Spanish 23, 33, 35; OR Spain—Spanish 24, 34, 36), two of which may be counted towards the major in Spanish.

Foreign Study may not be taken during a student’s last Dartmouth term.

For application and deadline information, consult the Off-Campus Programs Office in 44 N. College Street.

Portuguese F.S.P Fall: Salvador, Brazil

Prerequisite: Portuguese 20 or the equivalent, or permission of the program director.

Students live with families for one term in Salvador. The foreign study program includes courses in advanced language and culture, Brazilian literature, and the option to elect one course selected from the general curriculum of the ACBEU, as long as that course is taught in Portuguese. Electives may include courses from such departments as History, Environmental Studies, Biology, etc., and must be approved in advance by the director of the program. In the event a student wishes to receive credit for that course towards his/her major, credit will be available upon approval by that department, following the normal procedures of the College. Upon successful completion of the program, credit will be awarded for three courses, including Portuguese 35 and 36, which may be counted towards the minor in Portuguese or Romance Languages. Offered every other year in conjunction with LSA-Plus Brazil.

For application and deadline information, consult the Off-Campus Programs Office in 44 N. College Street.