Chair: Steven J. Ericson
Acting Chair: Reiko Ohnuma (Jan-Dec 2008)
Professors S. Allan (AMEL), P. K. Crossley (History), D. F. Eickelman (Anthropology), K. M. Endicott (Anthropology), G. R. Garthwaite (History), L. H. Glinert (AMEL), M. J. Green (French and Comparative Literature), L. A. Higgins (French and Comparative Literature), D. C. Kang (Government), T. C. Levin (Music), M. Parsa (Sociology) D. Washburn (AMEL and Comparative Literature); Associate Professors E. Z. Benor (Religion), S. Blader (AMEL), J. Dorsey (AMEL), S. J. Ericson (History), D. E. Haynes (History), A. F. Hockley (Art History), H. Mowry (AMEL), R. Ohnuma (Religion), D. A. Peterson (Linguistics and Cognitive Science), A. K. Reinhart (Religion), J. K. Ruoff (Film and Media Studies), C. S. Sneddon (Geography and Environmental Studies), D. J. Vandewalle (Government); Assistant Professors K. Abdi (Anthropology), D. Abouali (AMEL), S. R. Craig (Anthropology), M. K. Dimitrov (Government), J. L. Fluri (Women’s and Gender Studies and Geography), B. P. Giri (English), C. P. Hanscom (AMEL and AMES), J. J. Kim (History), J. M. Lind (Government), E. G. Miller (History), G. Raz (Religion), J. Smolin (AMEL), J. N. Stanford (Linguistics); Senior Lecturers N. Ben Yehuda (AMEL), J. Diamond (Music), M. Ishida (AMEL), A. Li (AMEL), M. Ouajjani (AMEL), J. B. Rudelson (AMEL), I. Watanabe (AMEL); Lecturers E. Drott (Religion), S. K. Roses (AMEL); Visiting Professors W.-P. Chin (English), D. G. Ehrlich (Film and Television Studies), Z. Zhu (AMEL); Visiting Associate Professor W. Xing (AMEL); Visiting Assistant Professor C. A. Fox (Geography).
Note: AMEL refers to the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Literatures.
Study leading to a degree in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (AMES) is interdisciplinary and is normally focused on one of the following areas: East Asia, the Middle East, South/Southeast Asia, or Global Studies. Each area is overseen by a faculty committee, and students majoring in AMES work in cooperation with their committee of specialization in the development of their course plan, off-campus studies, and independent work. Majors work with advisors (selected from the above list of program participants) to design a program of study to ensure coherence of language study, disciplinary training, and off-campus experience. Students should choose advisors in their respective areas of concentration. Careful planning should begin in consultation with the advisor by early in the spring term of the sophomore year. Each program of study also requires review and approval by the AMES Chair.
The major in AMES requires a minimum of ten courses. Normally all ten courses will be in the student’s area of concentration. A student who wishes to combine courses from more than one area must provide a written rationale for approval by the advisor and the AMES Chair. For each concentration, consult the Program web site for a list of already-approved courses as well as specific requirements. Students are strongly encouraged to include at least two years of a language offered by the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Literatures; DAMELL language courses above the first-year level may be counted toward the AMES degree. At least six courses counted toward the major, including the culminating experience, must be non-language courses. With the concurrence of the AMES Chair, students can petition the AMES Steering Committee to have other appropriate courses count toward the AMES major. Students admitted to the Honors Program will complete a thesis as the culminating requirement for the degree. For other majors, AMES 91 will be the normal culminating requirement. Students with special concerns may submit a proposal to the Steering Committee to substitute AMES 86 for AMES 91 or petition the AMES Chair to substitute an advanced seminar from another department or program.
AMES also offers a minor, consisting of six courses, that is normally focused on one of the areas listed above. The minor should include AMES 91 or a substitute as described above (another advanced research seminar or AMES 86); and five non-language courses in the selected area. Like major programs, minors should be carefully planned in consultation with an advisor.
AMES can be modified with another major; students can also modify another major with AMES. Students wishing to pursue a modified major must consult the AMES Chair.
All AMES majors are encouraged to pursue study abroad. In most cases, this will occur in the context of an off-campus program offered either by the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Literatures or by AMES. Students can petition the AMES Steering Committee to recognize study in other Dartmouth off-campus programs, in foreign study programs offered by other American undergraduate institutions, or in foreign universities. They need to do so at the latest on the tenth class day of the term preceding the actual transfer term. Retroactive credit for transfer terms or courses will not be granted.
Students with a College average of 3.0 and a Program average of 3.5 will be eligible to apply to the AMES Program Steering Committee for entry into the AMES Honors Program. The application should be developed in consultation with the member of the AMES faculty who has agreed to direct the thesis. The application should include a proposal describing the thesis project in detail and relating it to the overall design of the student’s AMES course plan. The deadline for the submission of proposals for thesis work in the fall and winter will be in the fifth week of spring term of the junior year, and for thesis work in the winter and spring, the first Monday of October in the senior year. Honors students normally complete AMES 85 and AMES 87. Completion of the thesis is a requirement for, but not a guarantee of, Honors or High Honors in the AMES major. Honors theses for the 2008-2009 academic year will be presented and defended in the third week of May 2009 and will be due on the last day of spring term 2009. Students are encouraged to consult the Honors Program brochure available in 101D Bartlett Hall.
The AMES Program offers an interdisciplinary Foreign Study Program in Fez, Morocco. Classes are taught at the American Language Institute in Fez, with faculty and guest lecturers drawn from the two universities in Fez and elsewhere in Morocco, as well as the Dartmouth faculty director. The Fez program stresses opportunities to integrate homestays and visits to shrines, schools, markets, and workplaces with conventional classroom learning. For an application or further information, see the Off Campus Programs Office, 44 North College St.
Prerequisite: Completion of at least one of the following courses with a grade of B or higher: Anthropology 15 (with Middle Eastern Studies faculty and topics), Anthropology 19, Anthropology 27, Arabic 10, Arabic 61 or Arabic 63 (when the designated topic includes a focus on North Africa), Government 46, History 5.2, History 71, Religion 8, or Religion 16. Students also qualify if they have taken the full sequence of Arabic 1, 2, and 3.
Pending final approval, AMES will also offer a Foreign Study Program in Hyderabad, India, and a Foreign Exchange Program in Seoul, Korea, beginning in 2009-10.