Associated faculty: S. Ackerman (Religion, Women’s and Gender Studies), C. G. Boggs (English, Women’s and Gender Studies), S. J. Brison (Philosophy), M. A. Bronski (Women’s and Gender Studies), A. A. Coly (African and African American Studies, Comparative Literature), K. Conley (French and Italian), M. Desjardins (Film Studies), M. R. Dietrich (Biological Sciences), V. Fuechtner (German), M. R. Goeman (Native American Studies, English), M. R. Graver (Classics), K. J. Jewell (French and Italian), M. Meyers (Women’s and Gender Studies), G. Munafo (Women’s and Gender Studies). A. Orleck (History), U. Rainer (German), I. Reyes (Spanish and Portuguese), I. T. Schweitzer (English, Women’s and Gender Studies), B. R. Silver (English), S. Swayne (Music), J. H. Tatum (Classics), P. W. Travis (English), B. E. Will (English), M. Williamson (Classics), M. F. Zeiger (English).
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies examines the lives, experiences, and representations of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender persons, studying in historical, contemporary, and theoretical contexts their communities, institutions, politics, languages, art, literature, and relationships to heterosexual norms. Drawing upon interdisciplinary and multicultural resources, GLBT Studies analyzes sexuality and sexual identity as complex social and historical phenomena. GLBT courses are listed under Women’s and Gender Studies. Related courses may be found in other departments and programs, such as:
African and African American Studies 19: Representations of African American Women in Cinema
African and African American Studies 40: Gender Identities and Politics in Africa
Anthropology 12: Gender and Sexuality in Cross-Cultural Perspective
Art History 16/80: Sex, Gender, and Identity in the Arts of the Ancient World
Classics 10/80: Platonic Love in its Cultural Context
College Course 4: Virtual Gender: Popular Culture and the Construction of Gender
College Course 5: Inside Out: Prison, Women and Performance
College Course 8: Sexuality and Science
College Course 10: The Performative Body: Culture, Queerness, and the Limits of Genre
Comparative Literature 67: Colonial and Post-Colonial Masculinities
English 60: Gender and Sexuality in Asian American Literature
English 62: Gender and Cyberculture
English 72: Whitman and Dickenson
English 72: Victorian Queer: Constructing Nineteenth Century Sexualities
English 73: The Poetry of Elizabeth Bishop
Film Studies 47: Women in the Film Industry
Film Studies 47: How Hollywood Films Shaped Post World War GLBT Politics
French 45: Masculinity/Femininity
German 42: Gender and Sexuality in 1920’s Berlin
History 6: Gender and Sexuality: Asians in America
Jewish Studies 52: Judaism, Sexuality, and Queerness
Latin American and Caribbean Studies 54: Latina Feminism: Acts of Intervention
Native American Studies 42: Gender Issues in Native American Life
Religion 80: The Bible, Sex, and Sexuality
Women’s and Gender Studies 18: Introduction to Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies
Women’s and Gender Studies 19.1: Queer Marriage, Hate Crimes, and Will and Grace: Contemporary Issues in GLBT Studies
Women’s and Gender Studies 19.2: Sexuality, Identity, and Legal Theory
Women’s and Gender Studies 20: Queer Poetries
Women’s and Gender Studies 21.2: Fictions of Sappho
Women’s and Gender Studies 31.2: Power to the People: Black Power, Radical Feminism and Gay Liberation
Women’s and Gender Studies 34.3: The Masculine Mystique
Women’s and Gender Studies 35.2: Gender Blending: Motifs of Androgyny
Women’s and Gender Studies 53.3: He, She, or It: Reconstructing Gender in Science Fiction
Women’s and Gender Studies 53.4: Woolfenstein
Women’s and Gender Studies 56.1: Television and Histories of Gender
Women’s and Gender Studies 56.2: Beatniks, Hot Rods, and the Feminine Mystique: Sex and Gender in 1950’s Hollywood Films
Women’s and Gender Studies 61.1: Reproductive Rights and Technologies
Women’s and Gender Studies 61.2: Plagues and Politics: The Impact of AIDS on U. S. Society
Women’s and Gender Studies 65.3: Queers, Queens, and Questionable Women: How Hollywood Films Shaped Post WWII GLBT Politics
Women’s and Gender Studies 66.1: Sexuality and Science
Women’s and Gender Studies 67.1: Freud, Psychoanalysis, Jews and Gender