Chair: Richard A. Wright
Professors M. Domosh, F. J. Magilligan, R. A. Wright; Associate Professors L. E. Conkey, S. E. Freidberg, X. Shi, C. S. Sneddon; Assistant Professors J. L. Fluri, S. L. Mollett; Visiting Assistant Professor C. A. Fox ; Visiting Instructor C. Faria; Adjunct Professors J. R. Butterly, D. E. Lawson; Adjunct Assistant Professors L. V. Adams, E. M. Berke, J. W. Chipman; Research Associate Professor G. R. Brakenridge.
The major in Geography consists of seven courses in addition to the prerequisite courses.
Prerequisite: Geography 1 or 3; and any two techniques courses from the following: Geography 10 (or its equivalent), 11 (or its equivalent), 52, 55, 58 or 59.
Required courses:
1. Geography 90; this serves as the culminating activity in the geography major.
2. One course from each of the following three themes: Nature-Society, Human-Social Geography, and Physical Geography.
Courses consisting of Nature-Society Geography include:
6, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 40, 44, 48
Courses consisting of Human-Social Geography include:
2, 9, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 41, 43, 45, 47, 81, 82
Courses consisting of Physical Geography include:
4, 5, 31, 32, 33, 35
3. Three additional courses.
NOTE: The department chair signs all major cards. Any cross-listed courses used for the geography major/minor requires sign-up in the geography enrollment.
There are three major streams within the Geography curriculum: (1) Physical and Human Dimensions of Global Change, (2) Critical Urban and Identity Studies, and (3) International Development. The following courses within the curriculum correspond to the streams:
Physical and Human Dimensions of Global Change:
GEOG 3: The Natural Environment
GEOG 4: Landscape and Environments of New England
GEOG 5: Global Climate Change
GEOG 12: Wilderness, Culture, and Environmental Conservation
GEOG 13: Population, Culture and the Environment
GEOG 14: Global Water Resources
GEOG 18: Urbanization and the Environment
GEOG 19: Gender, Space, and the Environment
GEOG 31: Plant and Animal Geography
GEOG 33: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
GEOG 35: River Processes and Watershed Science
Critical Urban and Identity Studies:
GEOG 21: The North American City
GEOG 23: Power, Territoriality, and Political Geography
GEOG 24: American Landscapes and Culture
GEOG 25: Social Justice and the City
GEOG 27: Race, Identity and Rights: Geographic Perspectives on Law
GEOG 28: Immigration, Race, and Identity
GEOG 52: Urban Applications of GIS
GEOG 56: Mapping Health and Disease
International Development:
GEOG 6: Geographies of Development
GEOG 15: Food and Power
GEOG 16: Political Economy of Development
GEOG 17: Geopolitics of Third World Development
GEOG 26: Women, Gender and Development
GEOG 40: Africa: Ecology and Development
GEOG 41: Gender, Space and Islam
GEOG 43: Latin America
GEOG 44: Environment and Politics in Southeast Asia
GEOG 47: The Czech Republic in the New Europe
GEOG 82: Independent Study in the Czech Republic
Because of its interdisciplinary nature, Geography lends itself to a wide combination of modified majors, such as Geography/Environmental Studies or Geography/Economics. Students contemplating careers in urban and regional planning, government service, medicine, law, business, or teaching should consult with the Chair in arranging modified major programs designed to best meet their professional objectives. Normally, the modified major program in Geography will include the following:
Prerequisite: Geography 1 or 3; and any two technique courses from the following: Geography 10 (or its equivalent), 11 (or its equivalent), 52, 55, 58 or 59.
Geography 90 and one course each consisting of nature-society, human-social and physical (see above).
One other geography course.
Four courses beyond the other department’s prerequisites, chosen in consultation with the Geography Chair.
Prerequisite: Geography 1 or Geography 3; and any one techniques courses from Geography 10 (or its equivalent), 11 (or its equivalent), 52, 55, 58 or 59; plus five additional courses. (Note: for those using the Geography FSP towards the minor, only two courses, Geography 47 and Geography 81, can be used.)
Upon application to and approval by the Department, qualified majors will be accepted as members of a special honors group. Requests for admission to the honors group will normally be considered at the close of the spring term of the junior year. No application for participation in the Honors Program will be accepted from students with less than two full terms remaining before their expected graduation. The Honors Program in Geography will consist of the regular major program with the following modifications:
1. An Honors thesis (Geography 87) will be submitted.
2. There will be an oral examination on the research.
3. A special reading program related to the field of investigation covered by the research will be required.
4. Honors students will be required to present their research ideas in at least one formal meeting to be determined by the Chair.
The Department encourages able students to continue work in the field of geography. To this end the Department will give special assistance in planning a program and in helping with the arrangements for graduate study to those students wishing to go on to graduate work. Interested students should consult with a member of the faculty.