Chair: Antonio D. Tillis
Professors R. Bueno-Chávez (Spanish and Portuguese), S. E. Freidberg (Geography), G. H. Gerzina (English), B. Pastor (Spanish and Portuguese), K. L. Walker (French and Italian); Associate Professors M. A. Chaney (English), A. A. Coly (AAAS, Comparative Literature), L. Edmondson (Theater), J. M. Favor (English), R. A. Franconi (Spanish and Portuguese), D. E. Haynes (History), D. K. King (Sociology), A. D. Tillis (AAAS); Assistant Professors S. S. Diggs (English), B. P. Giri (English), J. J. Igoe (Anthropology), S. L. Mollett (Geography), R. J. Rickford (History), N. Sackeyfio (History), G. R. Trumbull IV (History), S. A. Vásquez (English); Instructor R. N. Goldthree (AAAS); Lecturers F. L. Haas (Music), J. G. Smolin (LALACS); Visiting International Professor M. A. A. Salgueiro (AAAS, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil).
The African and African American Studies (AAAS) Program offers a multidisciplinary program designed to provide students with a critical understanding of the history, art and cultures, economics, politics and social organization of the African diaspora. The focused as well as comparative study of Africa, North America and the Caribbean are central components of the program. Students explore the innovative scholarship within the field of African and African American Studies while integrating theoretical perspectives and methodologies from various disciplines.
The AAAS major consists of eleven courses:
1. Two survey courses (must include either AAAS 10 or AAAS 11).
One African survey course: AAAS 11, 14, or 15.
One African American survey course: AAAS 10, 12, or 13.
2. Eight elective courses, including at least two courses from each of the following distributive designations. The program office has a current list of courses satisfying each distributive requirement.
Two courses with SOC, TMV, or TAS.
Two courses with ART or LIT. One course focused on Africa and one course on African America (including the Caribbean) must be among the eight elective courses. AAAS 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 15 may be used to fulfill this requirement, but more advanced courses are strongly recommended.
3. One of the following culminating experience options:
Senior Seminars: AAAS 90-96.
Senior Independent Research: AAAS 97.
Honors Thesis: AAAS 98 and 99.
Majors are encouraged to take at least one diaspora course, which may be used to satisfy either area requirement. Courses with the INT distributive designation may satisfy either of the disciplinary requirements. With approval of the Chair, one associated course may be counted toward the major.
Requirements for the MODIFIED MAJOR
African and African American Studies may be undertaken as the secondary part of a modified major. A modified major should be planned to form a coherent program of study with the major. The requirements are four courses in African and African American Studies in addition to those listed for a modified major in the particular department. Early approval of a modified major should be obtained from the student’s major department and from the African and African American Studies Program.
Students desiring a minor in African and African American Studies may select one of three areas of concentration: African Diaspora Studies, African Studies, or African American Studies. Minors (especially African Diaspora minors) are encouraged to elect at least one diaspora course, which may be substituted for either area requirement. A senior seminar is not required, but is strongly recommended.
The Minor in African Diaspora Studies consists of six courses:
1. Two survey courses, (one must be AAAS 10 or AAAS 11):
One African survey course: AAAS 11, 14, or 15
One African American survey course: AAAS 10, 12, or 13.
2. Four electives, which must include:
One course in SOC, TMV, or TAS
One course in ART or LIT
The elective courses for the African Diaspora Studies minor must include:
One course on African America (including the Caribbean)
One course on Africa.
The Minor in African Studies consists of six courses:
1. AAAS 11 Introduction to African Studies is required.
2. Five elective courses on Africa, which must include:
One course in SOC, PHR, TMV, or TAS
One course in ART or LIT
The program office has a current list of courses satisfying this requirement.
The Minor in African American Studies consists of six courses:
1. AAAS 10 Introduction to African American Studies is required.
2. Five elective courses on African America including the Caribbean, which must include:
One course in SOC, TMV, or TAS
One course in ART or LIT
The program office has a current list of courses satisfying this requirement.
Qualified majors may apply for admission to the Honors Program during the second or third terms of their junior year. Completion of the Honors Program is prerequisite to graduation with Honors or High Honors in the major subject. In order to qualify for an Honors Program at Dartmouth College, the student must have at the time of application a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 in all subjects and a 3.3 grade point average in the major. During two terms of the senior year the honors student will pursue the project under the guidance of a selected staff member by enrolling in AAAS 98/99. The student is expected to produce a substantial thesis as the culmination of the project. A grade of A or A-over the two terms earns High Honors; and a Grade of B+ in the first term is satisfactory to continue for Honors.