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International Studies Minor

15. Violence and Security

11F, 12F: 2A

Violence and Security is a multidisciplinary introduction to scholarship on the causes, consequences, and possible prevention of armed violence between groups. Using multiple social science disciplines, we will examine armed violence within, between, and across states, ranging from civil war, “ethnic” conflict, insurgency, and inter-state war. The course addresses the trade-offs created by different political solutions to the problem of security, and features a group simulation exercise to explore the challenges faced by governments and non-governmental organizations when they seek to ameliorate it. Dist: SOC or INT. W. Wohlforth.

16. Introduction to International Development (Identical to, and described under, Geography 6)

12W:12 12S:2 12F:10A

Dist: SOC or INT; WCult: NW. Freidberg (12F), Fox (12W, 12S).

17. Cultures, Places, and Identities (Identical to Comparative Literature 57)

12W:W 2-5 12S, 12F:12 13S:2, 3A

In 12W at W 2-5, U.S. Afro-Latino Literature and Contemporary Thought. (Identical to Comparative Literature 57, Latino Studies 43, and described under African and African American Studies 88). Dist: LIT. Tillis

In 12S at 12, The World on Fire: Visions of Apocalypse in Contemporary Culture. (Identical to and described under, Comparative Literature 57). Aguado.

In 12F at 12, Global Medievalism. (Identical to and described under Comparative Literature 57). Warren.

In 13S at 2, Fascist Italy: Fascism in Literature and Film. (Identical to French and Italian 35 and described under Comparative Literature 57). Dist: LIT, WCult: W. Parati.

In 13S at 3A, Migration Stories, (Identical to Film and Media Studies 47 and described under Comparative Literature 57). Dist: LIT; WCult: CI. Spitta, Gemünden.

18. Global Health and Society (Identical to, and described under, Geography 2)

12W, 13W: 2A

Dist: INT or SOC. Adams, Butterly.

87.1. Essentials of Global Health Research

12S: 3A

Research in global health requires a unique knowledge base and set of interpretive skills. This course is designed to provide students interested in conducting research in international settings the basics for designing and executing a study and performing data collection and analysis. The course is organized into three modules to cover the key topics relevant to global health researchers: global health disease and epidemiology, evaluating quality of international health data, and ethical research in global health. Dist: INT. Adams, Waddell.