Steering Committee: J. L. Carroll (Art History); N.Cirnigliaro (Spanish and Portuguese); M. C. Gaposchkin (History); T. Luxon (English); C. H. MacEvitt (Religion); M. Otter (English and Comparative Literature); A. K. Reinhart (Religion); W. P. Simons (History); C.Quaintance (French and Italian); A. Tarnowski (French and Italian); M. Warren (Comparative Literature).
Medieval and Renaissance Studies offers students the ability to modify their majors with a broad array of courses concerning societies and cultures that developed and flourished from late antiquity to early modernity. While centered on Europe, the concentration also embraces developments in related cultures, especially, but not only, those of the Mediterranean. This interdisciplinary course of study provides students with the opportunity to examine the period from a variety of interconnected perspectives. The Medieval and Renaissance Studies concentration is coordinated through the Leslie Center for the Humanities.
Students who choose to modify their majors with Medieval and Renaissance Studies are required to take four Medieval and Renaissance Studies courses in at least two departments and/or programs (not including the department or program of the student’s major). A list of Medieval and Renaissance Studies courses is available at Cross-listed courses may be taken for Medieval and Renaissance Studies credit, even if the student is majoring in one of the departments or programs offering the course. Although courses used to fulfill the requirements for a Medieval and Renaissance Studies modification cannot count toward a major, students are strongly advised to take Medieval and Renaissance Studies courses, when possible, within their majors. Students are also strongly advised to enroll in language courses appropriate to their field of study.
Students who wish to modify their majors with Medieval and Renaissance Studies must sign up for it no later than the third term prior to their graduation. Courses counting toward the modification will be chosen in consultation with a member of the Medieval and Renaissance Studies faculty. These courses, along with a short description of the student’s reasons for modification, must be approved by a member of the Steering Committee