123. Graduate Toxicology
12W: Arrange Offered in alternate years
This course provides an introduction to toxicology as a discipline, with a focus on the molecular basis for toxicity of chemicals in biological systems. Major topics include: principles of cell and molecular toxicology, xenobiotic metabolism, molecular targets of cellular toxicity, genetic toxicology, chemical carcinogenesis, immunotoxicology, neurotoxicology, clinical toxicology, and quantitative risk assessment.
Faculty lectures and discussion. This course is open to graduate, medical and advanced undergraduate students (with permission from the Course Director). Course Director: C. Tomlinson.
124. Ethical Conduct of Research
11F: Arrange Offered every year
This course is required for all PEMM and MCB graduate students. There will be approximately four one-and a half hour small group discussion sessions and four one hour lectures with the times to be arranged. Topics will include: mentoring, data collection, academic integrity, ethical use of human subjects and laboratory animals, authorship, sponsored research and intellectual property.
Faculty lectures and discussion. Course Directors: J. DeLeo, B. North.
126. Cancer Biology
13S: Arrange Offered in alternate years
The course will present a comprehensive survey of the biology, biochemistry, pharmacology, and genetics of cancer. Students will become familiar with such areas as cancer terminology, epidemiology, carcinogenesis, tumor promotion, metastasis, oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, tumor viruses, growth factors, hormones, immunology, and therapy. Where possible, emphasis will be placed on the most recent cell and molecular aspects of cancer. The class will be in lecture format and meet for 3 hours each week.
Faculty lectures and discussion. Prerequisite: PEMM 101 and 102, or permission of instructor. Course Director: A. R. Eastman.
131. Experimental Therapeutics & Drug Discovery
12S: Arrange Offered in alternate years
The course will present a practical survey of technical approaches to all stages of drug development and will include target identification, small molecule and biotherapeutic design and the development of therapeutic diagnostics. Topics will include pharmacogenomics, pharmacogenetics, functional genomics, global gene expression, proteomics, gene targeting, and drug development. The class will be in lecture format with student presentations of recent publications relevant to specific lectures. The class will meet for 3 hours each week.
Faculty lectures and discussion. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Course Director: J. DiRenzo.
133. Pharmacology of Drug Development
12F: Arrange Offered every year
This course will provide a solid foundation in the principles of pharmacology including pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, drug metabolism and biotransformation, bioavailability and receptor pharmacology. Emphasis is on how drugs are developed and the challenges and pitfalls that are involved in the drug development process using real-life examples. The class will be a combination of lecture format and student projects and presentations. The class will meet for approximately 3 hours each week.
Faculty lectures and student projects and presentations. Course Director: M. Spinella
137. Project Research (Qualifying Examination)
All terms: Arrange
141. Research Rotation 1
All terms: Arrange
142. Research Rotation 2
All terms: Arrange
143. Research Rotation 3
All terms: Arrange
216/217. Medical Pharmacology
DMS II calendar (terms 1-5) Offered every year
The major, conceptual modules are general principles, pharmacology of autonomic and central nervous system, cardiovascular pharmacology, endocrine and autacoid pharmacology, chemotherapy, and toxicology. Instruction is primarily through classroom lectures (67 hours) with four small group sessions on clinical pharmacology in Terms I and II. Emphasis is placed on understanding the dynamic mechanisms by which drugs modify normal bio-chemical or physiological functions and how they correct pathophysiological disturbances of those functions.
Faculty lectures and small group facilitators. Prerequisite: DMS I. Course Director: N. Shworak.
297. Level I: part-time research: 1 course equivalent
All terms: Arrange
298. Level II: part-time research: 2 course equivalent
All terms: Arrange
299. Level III: full-time thesis research: 3 course equivalent
All terms: Arrange