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Requests for applications for admission to undergraduate study should be addressed to the Dean of Admissions, 6016 McNutt Hall, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755, or sent via email to

Students applying for first-year admission have two deadline options. Students applying under the Early Decision program must submit completed applications by November 1; students are notified by mid-December whether they have been admitted or denied, or if their application has been deferred for further consider­ation. Completed applications from students applying under the Regular Decision program are due no later than January 1 of the calendar year in which the candi­date expects to enter college. Final notification concerning admission is sent to candidates in early April. New students are enrolled only in the fall term.

Students wishing to apply for transfer admission must apply by March 1; trans­fer candidates are notified of an admissions decision in April.

A fuller statement of admission principles, policies, and procedures may be found in the General Information Bulletin, which may be obtained by writing to the Dean of Admissions. Additionally, prospective students are encouraged to view admissions information online at