The state-of-the-art Rizzo Integrated Photonic Systems Laboratory will be located in Dartmouth’s $200 million, 160,000 square-foot Class of 1982 Engineering and Computer Science Center (ECSC). Scheduled for completion in February 2025, the laboratory will be outfitted with comprehensive tooling for integrated photonics test and measurement spanning visible to mid-IR wavelengths at the die- and wafer-scale. Planned equipment will additionally include high-speed instrumentation for testing data rates up to 32 Gbaud and comprehensive computational resources for photonic design and simulation.
Dartmouth ECSC Exterior
Dartmouth ECSC Interior
Rizzo Integrated Photonic Systems Laboratory
(computer renderings)
Back-to-front view from the ECSC atrium towards the laboratory entrance.
Front-to-back view from the laboratory entrance towards the ECSC atrium. The windows are equipped with retractable blackout curtains.
Perspective view showing the sink-side storage, computational modeling station, and noise-dampened equipment closet.