Our Rwenzori research is conducted by an interdisciplinary and international team involving the following Principal Investigators (PIs), collaborators and students.
Dartmouth College:
Alice Doughty (PI, now at University of Maine)
Meredith Kelly (PI)
Jonathan Chipman (Collaborator)
Dartmouth graduate students involved in the project:
Nathan Anderson (M.S., now at Alaska Pacific University)
Margaret Jackson (Ph.D., now at Trinity College, Dublin)
Dartmouth undergraduate students involved in the project:
David Cavagnaro
George Geier
Laura Hutchinson
Brown University:
James Russell (PI)
Eleanor Pereboom (Collaborator)
Brown graduate students involved in the project:
Sloane Garelick (Ph.D. student)
Shannon Loomis (Ph.D., now at Community Lattice)
Andrea Mason (Ph.D. student)
Brown undergraduate students involved in the project:
Makerere University, Uganda: